
Apr 09, 2007 18:51

Title: Drabbles
Rating: Various
Series: Prince of Tennis

Sanada::walking home

They walk, Mutt-and-Jeff-like, down the sidewalk. Kirihara gets distracted easily, and often has to trot a few extra steps to catch up. Sanada bides his time.

It's like this every time, every day as they walk home from school. Sanada silently curses the fact that they walk within a block of Yukimura's hospital, because if Kirihara's looking the right way, the questions come.

"When's buchou going to be back?"

Renji is better with numbers and explanations, so Sanada lets him field the question. It's just a precise enough answer to satisfy the younger boy, but in all truth, nobody knows. They aren't supposed to stop by to visit every day, so Sanada has told them, and so the team will do. But as soon as they pass by his house, he will walk down the alley, double back on another street, and arrive at the hospital with a half-hour of visiting time to spare.


His heart pounded. The constant drone was, he swore, the loudest thing he'd ever heard. It drowned out his thoughts, and the voices of the people around him. Their lips moved, but he couldn't understand, no matter how hard he tried.

It was too late to turn back. He took a deep breath, and he knew, surer than anything he'd known in his entire life, that they would follow him anywhere. So he jumped. They followed.

Somehow, midway through the freefall, they joined hands. He'd tie the memory around his finger and remember it whenever he felt like he was falling. They were one team, and a ridiculous loss wouldn't stop them.

prince of tennis, drabble

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