Bunny--PoT, gen

Apr 09, 2007 16:22

Title: Bunny
Series: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yukimura Seiichi, Yanagi Renji, Sanada Genichirou, Kirihara Akaya, and a rabbit
Rating: G (gen)
Summary: Yukimura finds a rabbit.
Disclaimer: I own Rikkai even less than I own Hyoutei.
Notes: Superdrabble, and pretty much nonsense. It's not supposed to be profound, or meaningful, or anything like that, but if you catch the parallel, kudos. I wasn't trying that hard to make my point. Therefore, it is just a stupid little thing about a rabbit. The entire concept is a joke, in that I fondly call Akaya "Bunny".

One day, while tending his mother's flowers in the backyard, Yukimura finds a rabbit. The rabbit is small, frightened, alone. The boy notes its presence, but goes back inside when he's finished with his task.

The rabbit is still there the next day, this time sitting in the flowers. Yukimura pauses short of the flowers, not wanting to frighten it off. He returns to the house and brings out some lettuce, which he leaves a little distance from the small animal.

The lettuce is gone the next day, but the rabbit is back. Somehow, it lets the boy get close enough to touch its fur before it hops away. Yukimura finds this quite peculiar and consults Renji.

Renji comes over, and the rabbit is in the middle of the yard. He approaches with slow steps, and the rabbit retreats with equally slow hops. It is becoming accustomed to people, but it still doesn't trust completely. The boys wonder why it hasn't left the yard yet. They leave food out, and Renji decides to spend the night to observe.

By the time they wake up the next morning, the rabbit has ignored the food entirely, and instead gone after the flowers. Yukimura looks concerned, and decides to leave out better food each night to try to encourage the rabbit to not eat the flowers. Renji researches what rabbits eat, and makes his recommendations. Sanada comes over, and says they ought to trap it.

The other flower bed is destroyed by the next day, so they decide to follow Sanada's plan. They set a successful trap. Yukimura wants to keep the rabbit as a pet. It is still small, still frightened, but bolder than before. It bites him when he sticks his finger through the mesh of the cage.

They set up a cage in the backyard of moderate size, and the rabbit lives relatively happily. When it is put in the cage, it stops letting anyone touch it. The three boys muse that it is probably not good for it to be kept in a cage. The decision to release it somewhere proper is made quickly.

Kirihara has a bigger backyard, with a park nearby. When they tell him the rabbit's story, he shrugs nonchalantly. The decision is theirs, the will of the three older boys is immovable. Whether he likes it or not, the responsibility will be transferred to him.

They release the rabbit into the park.

Kirihara visits it daily to feed it, even after his sempai graduate to high school.

prince of tennis, rikkai, drabble

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