What It's Like--JE, gen

Jul 01, 2007 06:50

Title: What It's Like
Series: Johnny's Entertainment
Characters: Ninomiya Kazunari, Yokoyama Yu
Rating: G (gen)
Summary: It's a pretty simple question, but the answer's a little more difficult.
Disclaimer: This isn't real, so.
Notes: Set during the filming of Haikei, Chichiuesama. This probably fails. 352 words. Dedicated to honooko and anyone who's ever worked hard for something.

He rubs his hands together briskly and bounces slightly on the balls of his feet, anxious for shooting to begin. There's some sort of a hold-up, and he's not sure what is really going on, so they wait... He starts humming a familiar song, and the man standing a little behind him and to the left recognizes the tune. But the first man reaches a certain point and switches melodies... The same word, different songs... They're all so much a part of him that he can glide effortlessly between them. There's a lull, and the crew has moved off for a moment to film something without the actors. The second man edges forward a little.

"What's it like?"

Nino stops his humming abruptly and looks back. "Eh?"

Yokoyama, who rarely speaks on set, tosses him half a smile. "What's it like for you guys? How many years is it now?"

Nino's thoughts slowly roll along as he considers how to answer the question. Long, hard hours--but Yoko knows about those. Endless dance and singing practice--Yoko definitely knows about those. His heart and soul in words, lyrics--but Yoko understands that, too. He wants to say it's tough, it's grueling, but he knows in his heart that the Kansai guys understand that. Those are the easy answers to give. The harder ones, the ones he's not sure he can articulate this early in the morning when it's this cold outside, are the strongest feelings. In the end, isn't Arashi about friendship, trust, growing up together and doing the best they can? He glances down at the ground briefly before he arrives at his final answer:

"It's... nice."

Yoko looks thoughtful for a moment, and thinks of how he would answer a similar question three, four years down the line. He thinks of the other guys doing their best at their work, filming, writing, practicing. He knows that he couldn't answer with anything but some sort of reference to happiness or infinity, and invariably one of their sappier songs. It can't really easily be summed up. He nods, and understands.

"It is."

arashi, kanjani8, yokoyama yu, ninomiya kazunari, johnny's entertainment

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