The Bond--PoT, AU

Nov 05, 2006 12:47

Title: The Bond
Series: Prince of Tennis; World of Darkness
Characters: Momoshiro Takeshi, Mizuki Hajime
Rating: PG for shounen-ai implications
Summary: Elegant simplicity can be found in the least expected places.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the characterization of Momo. Mizuki belongs to Vivian. XD
Notes: Present #1 for mojotmonkey's birthday. AU fic, featuring our characters from the RP again. Vivian, hope I did a good job with your boy. Italics are thoughts, which are actually communicated between the two.

    Meet me on the roof.

Tokyo was a beautiful city at night. Mizuki had spent years enjoying it, drawing from it what pleasures he could even as he pursued those primal urges that drove his existence. Truthfully, he spent more time looking this way and that, hoping to be dazzled by something new and beautiful, than he spent looking for sustenance. Tonight, he sought solace from it all; a brief encounter after his nightly affairs would do him good.

He was met by a small piece of paper, taped to the window, with a brief message. The roof? The vampire glanced up, then cleared the edge of the roof with a short leap. He landed gracefully, half-crouching as his eyes scanned the darkness for some sign of life. There, at the far end of the roof, was a little flicker of light. Mizuki rose to his full height and made his way slowly toward it.

"To what do I owe this unexpected trip?" he asked smoothly, only to be answered by a soft shushing. Quickly, he closed his mouth and gently urged thoughts in the other man's direction. Why are we up here? The last time I saw you on a roof, we--

I know, was the reply, soft as a whisper in his thoughts and barely distinguishable from the breeze that had begun to blow. The light was coming from a small camping lantern that, Mizuki now saw, was sitting on the corner of a coarse blanket. On the other corner of the blanket, Momoshiro Takeshi was lying on his back, hands under his head, with his eyes closed. What took you so long?

Work. Business. The usual. Momo was almost sorry he'd asked, but he wouldn't let anything ruin this evening. Everything was perfect so far. That perfect voice sounded quietly in his head again. What is this? The hunter couldn't help but grin.

If you want to know so badly, just poke my brain until you figure it out, Momo answered, opening one eye and glancing at his companion.

Where's the fun in that? Mizuki wanted to play along tonight, wanted to retain the tremulous aura of mystery that somehow the usually boyish and brash man had set up.

Lay down. Next to me. Momo patted the blanket next to his body and closed his eyes again, tipping his chin up slightly. Mizuki complied, noiselessly sinking to the blanket and stretching out beside the man. All was quiet and dark as he stared up at the blinking stars. The light from the lantern was put out, and Momo resumed his position beside his lover. All was dark on the rooftop. From there, somehow, the stars shone as brightly above as the lights glittered down below, lights that no longer mattered because they couldn't be seen. Many minutes passed in comfortable silence, neither speaking, neither wanting to break the calm and perfection of a shared moment.

Finally, Momo's mind drifted back to alertness. His thoughts were hazy, softly and gently directed outward. You know, when we see 'em, some of 'em are already gone.


The stars. Light takes so long to get here, so when we can see them, some of them are already gone. Rough fingers gently stroked the side of Mizuki's hand, prompting him to gently grasp them in response. Kinda like us.

Mizuki turned his head to the side, gaze leaving the heavens for a brief moment. How so?

Momo's eyes never left the sky. We're kinda like that. Bright, and intense... And no matter how long we manage, we'll be done before time catches up to us. Well, you, anyway.

Mizuki held back a slightly amused snort. You think too much, Takeshi. Just... stop. I like this, how we are now. He squeezed the larger hand, just enough to reassure Momo of his presence. I'm here, and you're here, and this is absolutely perfect.

Yeah. Yeah, it is. Their eyes met briefly, then they looked to the stars. Long minutes passed in silence between them, both of thoughts and words, until the wind picked up. Finally, the hunter broke the silence again. You know...


"When you look up, everything's the same. We're just like everybody else, under the stars..."

Oh, Takeshi. "I suppose we are."

prince of tennis, world of darkness, momomiz

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