Thursday was pretty
kickass. Spent the morning in line waiting for tickets, read "Read Or Die" which is ZOMG AWESOME. Bibliophiles UNITE. xD Hanging out with Morris and his cousins, later on Zach and (for a very short while) Caitlyn. Flux, listening to Morris and Zach bicker over game stats, gah. -.- Later, went to the MET.
ZomG!! the happiness! We breezed through the Anglophile clothign thing, i just wanted them to get a glimpse of the awesome. zomg, the BLACK CROW DRESS. I want it!! I want to be lecherous widow that eats little boys!! know, Countess DuBarry's husband was mysteriously poisoned like, the day after they were married >.>... (well, at least according to RoV..i have yet to research her. ~sigh~). And we saw the Collona Altarpiece, which was good ^^ OH! I finally got to revisit the Blake prints and fawn all over them xD Ran through the Asia wing, showed them the sexiest female statue eveeer~ xD Oh India ^^ And all sort sof other stuff now ^^;; Ahaha I love that bronze statue near the arms and armor, thats like a nude woman torso with ginormous hair and like, tentacles xD I keep trying to find ways to justify myself in art and literature, but its an upward climb to justify my ways ^^v Oh, very helpful in this is Gustave Courbet's "Woman With a Parrot". Cuz she's fullfigured and she has crazy ass hair. so NYA T_T
Got lunch and Zach left, we ended up at
Barnes and Nobles reading xD Read "The Death of Superman," which was cool ^^v Ahaha, i'd be more into American comics if i had *money* T_T So many characters to keep track of o_O Reread volume 16 of X and almost started crying in B&N. GAH T_T though, I was already upset because I read some of the last few volumes of kenshin andf i was all "gyyyarrr" T_T
Met up with people and watched
Macbeth. I liked it xD Except for Lady Macbeth >.> Like, she was noticeably bad >.> Well, actually, I thought she captured the speakign style of WWII well, like, she was of that time, but I didnt like the way she delivered her monologues >.> Like, i thought Helen delivered the "unsex me here" monologue better than that >.> And her "ghastly sigh" was more "ghastly" than it was "sigh" >_o But Macbeth was teh HOT xD and scary and waarr~ very nice.
Whatever, I happen to like that play. And I happen to like the character of Lady Macbeth a lot xD Poor Zach was sitting next to me and was disturbed by how much I liked her whole "Stop being a pansy Macbeth now man the fuck up and kill Duncan >.<". Oh poor Zach, how did he ever have the misfortune to have a barnacle such as myself stick itself onto him? ^^;; But <3 Macbeth. Hehhehe I was soooo excited when he gave the "tomorrow" monologue!!! ~squee~ My dad used to quote that to me xD Ah, using liberal arts to teach your daughter the pragmatic way of life. My dad continaully amazes me in how he managed to bring me up to be nothing like him and yet incredibly similar o_O wtf. In any case:
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.(V, v, 19)
Spent the 2nd half explaining to Dana what was going on...poor 12 year old T_T noooo~ idea what was going on. but i explained and she was happy and made me a bracelet out of plastic ~feels loved~ <3 my mini me~
After the show we sort of loitered and talked and I said goofbye to Morris' cousins and it was fun ^^ But the walk back the east side was not -.- Acuatually, it was fun for me, because I like wandering around after dark ^^ I've always liked the dark. I lack the good sense to be afraid. I mean, im not stupid, im aware of the danger, but it doesnt like..grip my heart with cold fear >.> Only certain social situations can do that...gaah o_O But, yeah, I learned somethign from that. Mainly to be more assertive. I mean, I just assume assertive people are *right* because I assume they're only that assertive because they're absolutely sure and i trust their judgment. Which is pretty stupid of me ^^;;; So I learned, when with people who are just overall assertive, I should really turn it up a bit more ^^;;; because, everyone benefits? I dunno ^^;; I mean to be its seems wrong to act sure when you arent, and to not be sure unless you;re...really really sure. Which, i suppose, is a pussy footed way to go about things but ah well. .>>;; Whatever. more backbone, val >.< gar.
Slept over Claudine's which was fun ^^ I did lots of sleeping,
and had a dream about jumping out a window and breaking my legs. o_O it was interesting. Been having lots of screwed dreams lately that are basically all me FAILING in some way or another. this was the third one this week. One involved all these chinese people i knew pointing and laughing at me and me running off crying >.> And another involved me sleepign through a termini-sama lecture and her being upset an dthen me flippign out and wanting to throw myself in a river. Stupid adequate amounts of sleep -.- I think I miss the hallucinations from lack of sleep. These dreams just upset me a lot.
Today I went upstate with claudine and her family to go
fabric shopping. it was ouchiful on my bling situation, but thats okay, this is what i hoarde money for. We finally came up with suitable choices, and now I jsut need to make the thing >.> Gaaah, if this works out its going to be sooo *pretty* xD. Had fun randomly talkign with claudine, learnign about the social landscape that is RO. She's reaidng Dracula now, which is fun to talk abotu, but not really because I dont want to spoil too much. Mwhahah~ Bram Stoker ~sparkle~ And art, which is awesoem, because she's taking art..its like, omg things to talk about xD
And after telling her about a Tale of Two Cities, i relaize i never read the unarbifgeed version wtf. So i need to do that. I mean, Madame Defarge is fact, when I mentioned i was knitting, a while back, Jhwo's reaciton was "are you going to pull a madame defarge?", somethign to that effect. madame defarge, for those of you unfamiliar with her, is...quite brutal. Like, seriously >.> And Im unsure how i feel about her, because, i liek that she's ass kicking and cunning (very helpful when revolting against an unjust king) but I also like...dont like that she's a bitch. She's really *mean* T_T Like...reeeaaallly mean. T_T I liked the maid with the useless brother (or was it lover?) more than i liked Madame Defarge. Okay, the maid didnt knit a deathlist scarf, and she didnt run around with an axe, but, she was ..a goof person >.> And no weakling either...I remember her fighting Madame Defarge, but i forgot who won.
Of course, on a different point of interest, neither of these women is loved even though they are respected. Solomon jerks around the maid (thoguh i may be rememberign wrong) and it doesnt appear that Ernest Defarge has any romantic interest in his wife, which i can sort of understand, because she's is really fucked up. Not that its her fault, but life dealt her a pretty shitty hand. Lucy, however, who is *completely useless*, however, gets the brave young hottie -.- ..well, actually, that *is* fair...because he's also useless ^^;;; In fact...the cool people die protecting the useless people (excpet for Madame Defarge, because she's a bitch). What the fuck >.< its okay, the real character I identify with (other than the maid,..because I can get behind surly jades left by useless men who protect those in their care xD) is Sidney Carton. Because. Just cause. GAH.
So..this week.
No idea whats going on. monday is busy; tuesday, no idea, but i think im going to zach's with claudine for RoV fun? Dammit!! our group needs BOYS. Wed...i think im free in the morning? i dunno. But I know thursday I'm sleeping over claudine's to start moving on my dress of impossibility xD July 1st is karaoke...why do i feel like there's a conflict of interest in there somewhere >..< ANd my job starts July 5th. So there.
furiageta jyuujika wo kono mune ni tsukisasu nara
kuyamihajimeta boku no me ga sameru mae ni
zangeki ni akekureta ryouki ni sugaru kodoku wo
ano hito ni nita kimi ni maku wo oroshitehoshii
I want you, who bears a resemblance to that person,
to put an end once and for all,
to my days and nights spent tragically alone
clinging to the grotesque.