Auntie Val Goes To The Zoo!

Jun 21, 2006 23:51

ahaha. Title of a children's book, whaaat?

Zoo today XD (Recital tonight?! R-r-r-recital tonight!..ahaha. couldnt help it) Cast: Morris, his two cousins (Dana and Amanda), Caitlyn, and, later on, Zach. Very good time. 1st off, love the zoo, second, morris' cousins are so much fun xD especially Dana who can be a bit irritating, but I like her a lot anyway xD She's my 12 year old mini me~ Only, to quote sam, less "busy" ~cackle~. I knew we'd get along after our introduction. "Hi Dana ^^" "Are you the Valerie that bit Zach!?!" "Um, yeah ^^;;"...and then she glomped me xD Carried her around on my back for a half hour later on....not like that pansy *zach* ~points and laughs~....10 minutes? che.

Caitlyn and I had our maternal skills set on "high" as we herded morris's cousins to and fro: "Amanda, tie your shoe" "Dana, stay close". And of course, herding around the biggest child of all, morris >.> "Morris! Shut up! >.<". Animals make me very very happy ^^ Especially the entire order of carnivora. (Ms Goldsmith: "The *entire* order?"; Susan: "yup".) Regaled the two young ins with tales of freak hall antics. Fun subway ride back involving Zach and Morris yaoi. In close quarters...and zach obscenely wiggling his tongue at morris o_O

Art tonight was more nude model goodness. Yaaayy~ ^^ Though Im not sure what he wants >.< I can ttell if he's jsut beign nice to people who cant draw as well or if he's looking for something like...not drawing things the way you see them. Because he's one of those "cool" teachers -.- Bllleeehhh. I'll go talk to him. Because, wtf. Whatever. I scared his avant garde ass tonight with a GINORMOUS blowup of the model's breasts and thighs...which was done in a very angry adn scary fashion. He wants avante garde, FINE BITCH, BE THAT WAY -.- ~hiss~. I can please any art teacher, really i can. But i dont know what he wants. And if the fucker isnt going to tell me what to do or give me direction, then, wtf? Whatever. I'll talk to him. Talking to my professors tends to work out well. ~cackle~

Claudine's taking art history, which is lots of fun, because we have stuff to talk abotu, which is awesome. Ahahha, art you are so much wiiiiiiiiin. Not like me who is currently LOSE. Well, not so much for the emo mentioned in the last post; over that, because I'm not apollo. XD But other reasons. Being besieged by paranoia, and an inability to um...get over certain ...unslick pretzel. WTF. ONLY SOLUTION: TO BRING REVOLUTION. ahaha. No, more likely, to replace the paranoia with inspiration, Blake-induced or otherwise, and to BITE THE PRETZEL IN HALF. Gar.

Tomorrow: Auntie Val Goes to the Met! How exciting! Auntie Val gives her fantabulous tour of the Met to young and impressionable minds! ~cackle~ And then goes to a group viewing of Macbeth. w00t. Ah, Lady Macbeth you were too much PWNAGE. She's so sexy she needs to be "unsex"ed XD ahahhaa. -.-

Claudine: "Well, what about Aries!!? He's emo! he's all, 'no one understands me ~angst~' What about the Iliad?"
Val: "No, but Apollo is all about music and poetry, and stuff. It's like, ...Apollo records the emo music, and Aries buys it and cuts himself while listening to it"

art, boy gumi, museum fun, freak hall alum

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