Festivids recs with early Robert Sean Leonard

Jan 22, 2013 18:48

I've been on a House resurgence lately - House/Wilson seems to be my current "comfort pairing" - and it's been complemented nicely by these Dead Poets Society festivids featuring 20-year-old Robert Sean Leonard:

Measuring Cups
Beautiful, serious vid to match the beautiful, serious source.

Smokin' in the Boys Room
Surprisingly fitting humorous vid that is at 180 degrees to the serious source, and all the better for it!

I also enjoyed the Star Wars Luke-centric vid Pull My Heart Away (though it reminded me that I'm sad not to live somewhere there are two moons).

ETA: The Big Eden vid Home really makes me want to see what I now know is a movie. I thought it was a TV show until I read the comments! I should have my limited credentials as a White Collar fan revoked.

recs: vids, house

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