SPN 8x11

Jan 24, 2013 13:29

Quickly, because I'm supposed to be working: twenty things to like about 8x11

1. Dean asking Sam "You okay, man?" and suggesting they take a night off and have fun

2. Dean's little dig that the FBI was "all work and no play" after Sam declined

3. Dean acknowledging that Sam gave up a lot in leaving Amelia

4. Accountants getting a mention!

5. Dean thinking that Moondoor "looks kinda awesome" when he sees it on the website at the police station

6. Sam and Dean getting called out for having fake, out-of-date FBI badges

7. Genre mash-up being a regular thing. "Your fake badges, the cheap suits - it's very cool, I get it: your characters are FBI agents who somehow travelled to Moondoor, but I'm telling you, it's straight-up Moondoor this weekend."

8. Charlie telling Dean outright how bad his fake text to Sam was

9. Charlie deducing that Dean had also just broken up with someone

10. Charlie and Dean immediately thinking of the same porn star, and the implication that it's perfectly acceptable for this beautiful, sympathetic female character to be familiar with porn stars, presumably for her own pleasure. Big thumbs-up for this one.

11. Dean suggesting tactics to Charlie on how to win the battle

12. Ed's scary death in his bed at the start

13. The genuinely scary skull-headed monster

14. The elaborate, many-player game itself. Do those sorts of things really get that many participants? If so, that's very impressive. (I think I might really enjoy running around the woods in a cape.)

15. The Tree of Pain mark

16. Ed's apartment, with its many figurines, shield on the wall and Lord of the Rings poster, and specifically

17. The opening shot, a close-up of a figurine of a knight on a horse

18. Lance crying over his friend's death

19. Sam suggesting he and Dean join in the game, especially since I don't think he was anywhere near as enamoured of it as Dean

20. Sam and Dean playing together. (I'm not actually sure I buy that they would join in the LARP, but I love, love, love the idea that they did something together just for fun.)

ETA: I missed a good one: Dean's "You love it" when Sam sees him in costume!


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