House Season 7

Jun 17, 2012 13:39

The "House/Cuddy season" is also a great Wilson season. The finale leaves a bad taste and I'd almost recommend skipping it, but overall the House/Cuddy arc and its aftermath are well worth watching, even for House/Wilson fans. Having House be in a serious relationship and then go through a break-up gives Wilson a chance to demonstrate his ( Read more... )


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jedinic June 17 2012, 09:21:59 UTC
This is the season I deliberately avoided watching. (I thought, after reading reviews of the first several episodes, and the ret-conning of the House/Cuddy relationship, that this was it; the show I'd loved would never be the same.)

And then it turned into a train wreck and I felt so very sad for my "Huddy" friends, who got completely burned by this season. (A lot of them never went back!) And although I hate the idea of "warring shippers", the truth is, they lost. We won. Having been on the side of a 'losing' ship all too often, I feel for them and the people who loved the idea of Huddy and what it became.

A lot of the quotes you've included here are so interesting in retrospect. Was House truly, actually in love? Or was he trying to live a fantasy and saying those things because that was part of it? Some of the dialogue just does not sound like something House would ever say...but maybe it made more sense in the moment.


zebra363 June 17 2012, 14:32:16 UTC
I was just at dinner with a friend who thought the House/Cuddy relationship wasn't believable because the show didn't do enough to establish that they were in love, and Cuddy seemed happy with Lucas. I thought there were enough mentions in S6 of House's serious interest in Cuddy, and I never felt that Lucas was good enough for her or that she could truly be happy with him, so to me it made sense for House and Cuddy to get together (and also to break up). I was pretty happy with the portrayal of Cuddy during the relationship, too - for the most part she had realistic expectations of him, she kept things professional at work, and when she realised he wouldn't/couldn't be what she needed and that perhaps she should have known that all along, she promptly broke it off ( ... )


house11friend June 27 2012, 01:34:37 UTC
All of these observations are just great but the whole point is that House was NEVER in love or commited to Cuddy,He was ALWAYS in love and commited to Wilson,The compare/contrast was just to point that out and it was briliantly done by writers.
Cuddy even realized that and there was a scene at her door where she makes that observation I have to remember which episode,Also Two Stories -many considered the kids stand ins for House Cuddy,Watch again-it was House Wilson imo!
So much in this series!
The highlights pointed out re the seasons were great and so much more can be added re H/W,In hindsight season 7 was H/W
The way House dealt with Wilsons illness and how he cared for him would have been the way it played out in any season-His experience with Cuddy was just to show us he was NOT commited to her,
He cared for her but it was always Wilson ,


zebra363 June 27 2012, 03:52:46 UTC
I agree that House wasn't ever committed to Cuddy, but I think he probably did love her, just not as much as he did Wilson. He said "I love you" to her early on and I didn't feel that he was being insincere, though he was never as emotionally involved with her as he was with Wilson.

Totally agree that in hindsight S7 was H/W! When it aired, I remember being surprised at liking it more than I expected to, but on rewatch the reason why was clear: it was as much a H/W season as H/C.


jedinic June 27 2012, 09:17:01 UTC
I think he did maybe love her as a friend only - when he said I love you it was after she asked him for it basically and it was never IMO because he was sincere but because he thought she expected it . He was even joking saying " I lobe you"
The feelings were just not there.


zebra363 June 27 2012, 16:18:42 UTC
I thought he sounded sincere when he said "I love you" towards the end of "Now What?" From the transcript:

Cuddy: I don't want you to change. I know you're screwed up. I know you are always gonna be screwed up. But you're the most incredible man I've ever known. [near tears] You are always gonna be... the most incredible man I have ever known. So unless you're breaking up with me, I am going home now.

[She takes his hand, leans in and kisses him then gets up to leave. He holds onto her hand and looks up at her.]

House: [quietly, sincerely] I love you.

It's not easy for me to understand why he went so off the rails after she broke up with him if he didn't really care for her.


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