~Where's my cache of sporks

Dec 21, 2020 23:36

Blegh lot of ups and downs lately but mostly downs. Bleghhhh

But anyway, a long time ago, I forget when and I can't be bothered to go look it up, I think I posted here asking if anyone remembered an old black and white site with original fiction that maybe had feathers on it, it was very emphatic about having a main character that wasn't a Mary Sue, something like that but that was all I could remember. With a description that vague, it's no wonder no one knew what I was talking about, haha. But I always wondered what happened to that site and if it was still out there.

But just now, Karma Slave came on and I remembered that the author of those stories also did a webcomic called Karma Slave! Which I never read but I knew it existed, and I quickly found it (or the remnants of it... apparently there was some kind of drama, now lost to the winds of time) and after a bit of poking around... I found the site I was thinking of! It was called The Claris Project! A lot of the images are broken of course, considering how long ago it was, but it was such a trip to be able to see this site again. Little sites like this are so nostalgic for me. The old internet was such a different place than it is now!

Like I said, it was an original fic with a protag that the author insisted was not a Mary Sue, and I'd throw stones about the hyper XD!! randum!! tone of the first stories but really, I was writing pretty similar fic when I was a kid so I can't really judge. Weirdly, the thing is, I don't really remember actually reading the fic itself... somebody I used to know used to like it, and I'd hear about it from them. Eventually I also tracked down a later version of the site that had more of the story on it (and edited the earlier parts), and it was interesting to see the shift in writing style as the story went on, haha. The part that had stuck in my memory was the last part of this chapter, where one of the characters pulls a feather out of his wing and gives to the protag, telling her not to lose it or he'll kill her. Although again, I didn't actually read it myself... it's weird to have second-hand memories of stories that stick with you for so long, haha.

But at the least, it's fun to poke around old sites like this via the wayback machine. This era of the internet is mostly dead nowadays, but at least pieces of it are preserved somewhere! Although very difficult to find unless you can find the right breadcrumbs to lead to it. If I hadn't remembered the Karma Slave thing, I probably would have never found it.

I also posted this at dreamwidth. Comment here or there, don't matter to me!

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