Fic (AO3): Set Fire to This Card House - Chapter 2/6: Nouakchott, Mauritania

Mar 06, 2011 15:58

This was a tricky chapter to write, so I might have needed slightly more hand-holding than usual. Thanks to snarkaddict, ninamalfoy and hermette for never turning me away. ♥

Set Fire to This Card House

H50 - Danny/Steve (vaguely implied pre-Chin/Kono in the background)
Summary: AU. In which you’ll find agents, hotel beds of varying sizes and sensible rules that still deserve to be broken.
Word count: ~11,000 for this chapter, ~50k overall

[Chapter 2: Nouakchott, Mauritania (AO3)]

This is where you can find [Chapter 1: New Delhi, India].

Tiny notes: I’m taking artistic liberties with this and do not claim, at all, that this story paints a realistic picture of agent work. As for the next chapter (Nice, France!), I will put it up as soon as I'm mostly done with Chapter 4.
Soundtrack, Chapter 2: 3. Explosions in the Sky - Glittering Blackness (instrumental)
4. Laura DiStasi - Fireworks (Light it up / Make the sky explode into color and smoke / The ashes will wash away // As fireworks fall like shooting stars, I wish / please take care of me on brilliant falsity / All flash and noise, so I close my eyes and say / Come on and fill me up with something real or something brave or something // Clean it up / So much for afterglow / We are flesh and bones and victims of everything / You whisper that this is so incredible / Too bad we're not responsible for what we say / When our eyes aren't open)
5. Greg Laswell - The One I Love (I'm all packed up now / Early in the morning I'll take my leave / I'll bring your words along with me / Maybe one day they will mean something / For now they buzz and crumble down a little bit too easily / From a time that I am not quite over / What the hell is wrong with me // I might be gone a little while / I guess we'll see / I gotta make a home outta somewhere and you're all over this city // And it'll take a flight to figure out where I'm gonna finally land / And the time it takes for me get there I'll be one to start again // But I should probably say that I'm unsure why I'm running / Running away from the only thing I want)
This entry was cross-posted to Dreamwidth.

fic, h50&fic, h50

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