2008-10-06 Dive Computer v0.1aFinally got around to writing enough code to test out the pressure sensor for my homemade dive computer/bottom timer.
The first in-water test, which was conducted tonight, was a success: the Butterfly went for a dive in a bucket of water on the back porch and the depth measurement was correct!
Tomorrow, I plan to take it to the bottom of the pool at NCSU to see if it works in greater than a foot and a half of water. It is currently nothing more than a digital depth gauge, but eventually, it will track bottom time, average depth, temperature, and have logging features.
Currently, the computer resides in several layers of zip-lock bags. I'm still investigating options for a more robust housing. Suggestions are appreciated, but keep in mind that I don't want it completely sealed in anything. The sensor can be permanently placed, but I need access to the µ-controller for reprogramming and downloading dive data.