Bambi meets Vanzilla

Nov 21, 2010 19:43

Which accurately describes what transpired Friday night.

We were on our way to an event being held in Brandon, Manitoba (there's a new group that's formed out there, Herot Denu, meaning Valley of the Deer. They're going to be a canton of Castel Rouge). About 30 km from Brandon, the afore mentioned Bambi decided to take on our van. Bambi 0, Van 1.

We're not hurt, and the van is still functional though there is a fair amount of body work damage on the drivers side. We can't open the driver's door either, so I have to do all the driving, getting in the passenger side and scooching over into the driver's seat. Needless to say, as much of a fan of the KIA I was before, I'm an even bigger fan now - the air bags didn't even deploy and the full force of the deer resulted only a moderate bump to the van. As I commented to himself, the van certainly paid for itself on Friday night.

Of course, there were many jokes and quips Saturday at the event, as we told our tale. I even begged the King's forgiveness for killing one of the King's deer. And natually there were comments about killing the totem animal of Herot Denu.

We've been travelling the highways for almost 30 years, going to SCA events and science fiction conventions, and this is the first deer that we've hit. We've been very fortunate over the years, and are thankful that this is the first one that we've hit, and that no-one (other than the unfortunate deer) was hurt.

So, what happens next? Tomorrow I have to go down to the RCMP headquarters here in Winnipeg and make an accident report. Once I have my Incident Number for the accident report, I can make the appointment with MPIC (Provincial auto insurance) to have the estimates done, then it will be off to the dealership for their estimates. Wait for parts to come in then get the van fixed. Hopefully, because it's only 4 years old, and had no damange and an excellent repair record, there will be no problems.

Keep your fingers crossed for Vanzilla to be whole and happy again, in the near future.


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