Aug 02, 2004 22:17
im still in mt.shasta. today there was a summer rain, there was thunder and lightning all in the middle of the day while the sun was still was really incredible.i just got a dick dale and the del tones cd here in shasta and ive been listening to it.i brought some of my jazz stuff also, ive got coltrane and my miles davis oh and ella fitzgerald. i swear jazz is the most beautiful music i have ever heard.its so much different than anything else.its truly melodic, its like the musicians are pouring their souls out through the music they feel the musicians anger, their sadness, and their joy in the music. most people (like the guys in my band) dont understand or appreciate the the skill required to play jazz music. most people have never even picked up a sax or a trumpet or a stand up bass, or any other instrument for that matter.and yet, they feel they can pass judgement on those who have played music or written poetry. i pity them. all music is beautiful, because it unites people. and i have a saying to go with that statement(made it up myself) "god smiles upon the eclectic mind".