
Jan 17, 2010 16:51

So~ it's been like two years maybe~ since I got this account and in the beginning there was the cube I friended back everyone even if I didn't know who you were but I decided I'm going to make a friend cut... I mean I never thought I would do one but I realized sometimes I post personal stuff here.

I'm making this post public just to let people know that there is a friending entry in my journal but I'm guessing that if you didn't see it you are only here for the porn XD so don't worry~ that's gonna be open to everyone 8D but if you stop seeing my friend-locked entries you know why.

There is people who don't even have to comment :D lol... maybe I'm the one watching you!
but if your name doesn't ring any bells and you don't comment at all... well~~~ I guess you don't care for those entries so why keep tormenting you? XD
and is not like we have to be bff, I know sometimes you read other people's entries and you don't know/have anything to say but even if we lost contact somehow and you wanna be on my friend's list let me know... I'm terrible with names and if you changed you avatar I might have forgotten you are you... sorry I know this is pretty~ lame, made of fail, and other many things but that's the way I work... I'm visual so if you changed your avatar~~~
and if you are from the y! and I haven't friended you back let me know (especially if you have an other user name)

yeah I know XD I know it sounds like I don't want to make the cut XD

lj stuff

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