[Short fic] The only family you need

Jan 29, 2010 21:35

Title: The only family you need.
Pairing: Um~~~ Madara/Izuna implied?
Rating: M
Summary: Madara will tell you his story but it might not be what you would have imagined. A more 'intimate' approach of history.
Beta: Sephonei
Warnings: this has hints of: death, dark and twisted, mind-fuck, incest... you know, all those things that make the world shine and sparkle (<- insert sarcasm)

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How much I wish my story was heroic and honorable, but that is far from the truth.

My name doesn’t matter right now, is my life and the position I take who has anything to do with what I’m about to tell.

I’m head of my clan, not my birth but by right. Thousands of fights I fought bravely which earned me the vote of the councilmen. It filled me with pride. I was trusted with the responsibility of keeping my clansmen safe.

Such an irony as there came the moment when I couldn’t care less. I had to keep them safe, to care for them when they only demanded things of me like little leeches, they would spit on our name and expect me to fix it. Useless cowards who would hide behind me like scared children, this “peace” had made them soft. Where had fallen our prideful clan?

They feared me, yes, some of them respected me but I was hated. Hated because of my power. The power I fought hard to obtain. All of them would turn their backs on me without second thoughts. I could see it in their eyes.

All of them but my younger brother.

Izuna had such bright eyes, radiating innocence with a simple smile, he was beautiful an he had an agility that even I would like to have. He was so docile and yet he was so lethal. Izuna would be the only person who would fight along my side. He was never jealous of my power because he had his own. Yes, my brother was strong. But he was loved for everyone.

I couldn’t care less, I’m honest when I say I was happy he didn’t have to endure the pressure that I did. But everything begun to change the day I was told by the clan’s council I should take a wife. I remember it like if it had been yesterday.

It was a cold day of November, even when it was barely noon the sun wasn’t visible because of all the clouds. I was furious! Enraged! How dared them to tell me what to do? I left the building in haste towards my own house for my desire to kill them was strong.

When my brother saw me get home he came to greet me like usual, immediately knowing something was wrong. He listened to me patiently when I walked around the house telling him what they wanted me to do.

“But getting a wife is not so bad, is it?” My brother asked me, making my steps stop. I looked at him incredulously, his eyes were down, his hands playing with the cup of tea he held, a faint blush on his cheeks. “Getting a wife, have a family” I felt betrayed, the only person I needed was him, how could he do this to me?

And from then I got obsessed. I begun to follow him and to notice all the small details the people would have with him, how no fear could be seen on their eyes when they looked at him, how the atmosphere would immediately change if I made my presence known. It gave me a twisted pleasure to watch them squirm away.

I wanted it gone. I didn’t want to share my brother anymore.

I got married a couple months after that fateful day. The woman was chosen by the council when I announced I couldn’t care less. Such a pitiful woman, even when she smiled in the middle of the snow the day of the ceremony I could still see the fear in his eyes.

And my brother? He still lived with us of course. Our mansion was big enough for me, my woman and my heirs. It was big enough for him and his wife... if he had one.

During those times I followed him I noticed right away that he was infatuated with the daughter of an old soldier, I was upset my brother hadn’t mentioned anything to me, it made me loathe the young girl who held my brother’s attention.

I killed her.

At first I told myself I had done it for his sake, her father was not strong, not powerful, it wouldn’t be beneficial for him in any way.

He mourned her in my shoulder while I pat his back.

My first child was born and I could see in his eyes that he was happier than what I was. Time went through and he begun to look for a wife again. Couldn’t he see that I was all the family he needed?

I killed her again. And there was no point in trying to delude myself, I did it for myself.

But thankfully I didn’t have to kill a third. The second woman I killed made him wary. I guess he already knew.

I have let him take male lovers though. It brings me pleasure to sit in the darkness and watch him being taken over and over again. I can only image what goes through his head when he grunts and breathes soundlessly my name.

It intoxicates me.

I let him play for now, like a child making angels in the snow. Knowing is matter of time when the snow will begin to melt, and then, I won’t have to share my brother anymore.

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The was first fucked up history of the year! yeay~~~ XD but I hadn't realized that the only place I had posted it was on the y! ^^;;;
hahaha this was meant to be a hot and kinky penthouse letter where Madara listened to his brother have sex <.< >.> <.<

Any comments?

short fic, fanfic

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