Jan 01, 2010 00:27


I really hope you begin the year with a lot of energy and a lots of resolve to fulfill your resolutions because we know they aren't going to get done by themselves whatever they are, wishes, proyects, hopes, things that need to get done... what are you gonna do to make it happen? 8D

And I think that's the point: what are you gonna do to make them happen? Because is really easy to say I'll want this but how are you gonna get it? how are you gonna accomplish it?
I mean I bet I won't loose weight eating some pizza :S

This year that passed (bye 2009 ^-^) I did accomplished a few things maybe more that I give myself credit for... hehe... a year with up and downs but I think it was a decent year.

This year that comes (hello 2010 :D) instead of having like 12000 wishes I just have 3.
2 of them are projects and 1 of them is something I want to change of how I behave... and really is more like 3x2 :D I'm on sale!

I wanna be a bit more exhibitionist (a long and boring history of how I came to that conclusion) and what am I going to do to do that? I'm going to run around naked! yeay!~~~ XD hahaha

I'm not saying it's easy because sometimes is not as simple but if we don't really try~ well, an other year will just pass by. Think about it y/y? I hope I wasn't too boring XD

I wish you all the best for the upcoming year ♥♥♥
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