Title: The Journal of an unsuspecting 5 year old
Group: NEWS, KAT-TUN, Kanjani8
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort ( in a cute way)
Summary: "When his mother saw his small figure come in through the front door with his face covered in dirt, a big bandage on his knee, dirt marks on the fabric covering his elbows, bright red puffy eyes behind his thick glasses and a sniffling nose; her face fell instantly... "I hate school Mama, I never wanna go back!"
May 5th
Today is a happy and sad day.
It’s happy because it is Komodo no hi (Children’s Day) and there is a festival at night. But I am sad because this is the last whole day I get to spend with Onii-chan and Jessi-chan. I miss Onii-chan when he’s not here.
So we spent the whole day together. We went to the store to buy Kashiwa-mochi and chiwaki. Jessi-chan wanted to try some. So we bought lots. There was more than red bean paste inside them. It was fun finding the different flavours.
I wanted to buy Yoona one too! Onii-chan did not mind. He just smiled and Jessi-chan thought I was Yoona was my girlfriend. I nodded because Yoona is a girl and she is my friend.
Then we went to another store to go buy Koinobori. Since I am 5 now and Onii-chan is 17 we had to buy different colours.
Jessi-chan bought one too to put up at home even though she does not celebrate Komodo no hi.
She took lots of pretty pictures. I liked how she always had her camera with her too. I asked if I could take a picture too. I wish I had not asked because she looked at me funny. Her nose was wrinkled and her eyes got smaller.
“No. Are you crazy? You’ll break it! Don’t be stupid.”
Onii-chan looked at her. He was very surprised. He looked angry too and grabbed my hand and pulled me away from her.
They start to fight. I wish I knew what they were talking about (other than me).
I held onto Onii-chan’s hand tighter. I did not him to fight with someone he loves because I asked to take a picture. It was silly.
I tried to tell him it was okay, but he didn’t listen. He kept yelling.
I saw people looking.
It was really scary, but I promised him I would not run away no matter how scary things are.
On our walk home we were quiet. He looked sad too. I asked if he was okay. He shook his head. He picked me up and held me. He was crying.
I could feel my tummy flip flop.
When we got home we put our food in the fridge. Mama was sitting in the kitchen. Onii-chan told me to go play while Jessi-chan was in their room.
I went to go sit in my room and hug Nana. She always made me feel better when I was sad. I could hear Mama in the kitchen soothing Onii-chan. He was really crying now.
I wanted to make him feel better so I went to give him Nana. That’s when I saw Jessi-chan standing by the door. She looked sad too.
When she saw me she grabbed my hand, “I’m sorry Shige-chan. I didn’t mean to be so mean. If you want I can show you how to use a camera when you visit in the summer. If Keii-chan says it’s okay.”
I nodded, “I think Nii-chan would be okay with that.”
She smiled and squeezed my hand. We went into the kitchen. Mama did not look very happy at all. She opened her mouth to yell, but Onii-chan told Mama not to.
I handed him Nana though because he still looked very sad. But he smiled when I gave her to him. He was very happy. I love Onii-chan.
When I asked if we could put up the Koinobori he nodded and took the fish and headed towards the roof.
He had to be extra careful because the roof is diagonal.
When he was climbing up, Jessi-chan held the ladder very still. I am happy that Jessi-chan and Onii-chan made up. But I still get the flip-flops in my tummy.
=) =) =)
When it got dark Onii-chan, Jessi-chan and Mama took me to the park. There were people lighting fireworks there. They were really cool! There were lots of different colours. I really liked the green and blue ones. They made the sky look more purple than black.
There were games and food carts too! Mama let me have some mochi. It was yummier than the ones at home.
Then I saw that they had a place where you could win a goldfish. I really really wanted one! I’ve always wanted a dog but Mama said she did not want to take care of it. I think Mama would be better with a goldfish.
And she was.
Jessi-chan said she wanted to get one too, so we went together.
Yoona-chan was there too! She was wearing a pink yukata and she had her hair tied in a bun. I told her she looked very cute. She turned pink.
Yoona-chan had a hard time trying to get the goldfish. So I helped her. She was very happy when I caught one for her. She said she’d name it Gogy. Jessi-chan thought it was a very cute name. I asked what it meant. She said it means “meat” but people in Korea say it like mulgogy which means “water meat”. So it’s goldfish.
Yoona-chan said she wanted to get cotton candy but she had to ask her Mama first. We looked for her Mama but she was not there.
Jessi-chan then started to talk to Yoona-chan in Korean.
Yoona-chan looked very happy so I think Jessi-chan was doing something good.
Jessi-chan told me that Yoona-chan was going to walk around with us until we find her Mama. I smiled really big and she smiled too. I missed Yoona-chan this week.
Jessi-chan told me to hold her hand so she didn’t get lost. Yoona-chan has very soft hands. They are small too.
We got cotton candy and then went back to watch the fireworks. Mama and Onii-chan were able to meet Yoona-chan and that made me very happy.
Mama just smiled. I think she is liking foreigners more and more.
We watched the fireworks for a long time. I asked if we could play with some fireworks. Onii-chan said that he bought sparklers. We played with those too until they went out.
Yoona-chan said she was getting sleepy, even though it was only 9 o’clock.
Mama said that we should get home soon too. But Yoona-chan had not found her mama yet. It did not take long though. Yoona-chan’s mama was waiting for her at the front gate. She looked like Mama did when I ran away.
Yoona-chan’s mama was very happy that she was with us the whole time. She thanked us a lot too ( Jessi-chan said so anyways). Just before she left to go home, Yoona-chan gave me a kiss on the cheek. I could feel my face get very very hot, butterflies in my tummy and my heart keeps going doki doki. I asked Mama if I had a fever. She just laughed. When I asked Jessi-chan and Onii-chan they just laughed too. I do not get what was so funny.
With Onii-chan and Jessi-chan gone I am very sad. No one is around to play with me at home. I think that is okay though because before Onii-chan left Yoona-chan said she would play with me when they go home. She said it is better to play with someone else then alone.