Title: The Journal of an unsuspecting 5 year old
Group: NEWS, KAT-TUN, Kanjani8
Raiting: PG-13
Genre: Hurt/Comfort ( in a cute way)
Summary: "When his mother saw his small figure come in through the front door with his face covered in dirt, a big bandage on his knee, dirt marks on the fabric covering his elbows, bright red puffy eyes behind his thick glasses and a sniffling nose; her face fell instantly... "I hate school Mama, I never wanna go back!"
I’m sorry journal-san that I have not seen you in a while. I was having so much fun with Onii-chan and Jessi-chan that I forgot.
Today is Greenery day! Onii-chan and Jessi-chan took me to see the cherry blossom trees. They were really pretty. But there were a lot of people there. It was hard to enjoy the trees with so many people. Onii-chan said it is prettier in Osaka. Next year I want to see them in Osaka.
Jessi-chan took out this really big camera she had in her bag. It had a really big piece in the front. She told me the bigger lens takes a better photo. It was really pretty the picture she took! It was just the flower though. Then she took some pictures of me and Onii-chan. She said I could have one. I said thank you. The picture is next to the picture of me, Mama and Papa when I was born.
We had lunch in the park. Jessi-chan made us bentos. Jessi-chan is Korean so the food was Korean too. I ate my kimchi first. Then I had Nana try some of it. She thought it was yummy. This lunch was better than the lunch we ate yesterday. I think it is because I like kimchi.
After lunch we took a walk and found a temple. There were lots of people there too. Lots of Mamas and Papas with boys and girls my age. I was afraid of getting lost so I held onto Onii-chan’s hand tight. He held my hand tight too! He didn’t hold Jessi-chan’s hand because she was taking lots of pictures. She said she had never been to Tokyo before and wants to show her family back home.
Then she wanted a fortune like all the other big girls. She said there were big tests coming up so she went to buy one too. We followed. Onii-chan wanted one too because he had a big test to write and he needed a lot of good luck.
“Maybe the ones in Tokyo will work twice as good!” he said.
When we went to go buy one, I saw these boys trying to keep a charm from another boy. The boy in the middle looked very tired and annoyed. He was wearing a Red Ranger sweatshirt. It was a really cool sweatshirt since Red was in his fighting pose.
“Give it back, Nii-chan!” the smallest boy yelled as his brother threw it to the other boy.
“Nuh-uh! Not until Ryo-chan tells us who it’s for!”
Ryo-chan’s brothers were mean. No wonder he was mean to me. But I could not let them be mean anymore. So I went over to tell them to stop.
“Go away, dweeb!” but I didn’t go away. So I told Ryo-chan’s brothers to leave him alone or I would tell their Mama. I didn’t care that they were really big. Onii-chans are not mean to their Ototo-chans.
That’s when they started to laugh at me. It really hurt to have big kids laughing at me. Especially when I was trying to be nice.
That’s when they took Nana from me. They didn’t throw her around. But they still took her away.
I couldn’t read her no matter how high I jumped. They just stretched their arms higher.
Then I saw this arm reach down and take Nana from the boy. The arm gave Nana back to me. I looked up to see Onii-chan who looked very mad at the boys. He yelled at them. Really loudly. The boys looked really scared and ran away. Onii-chan ruffled my hair before kneeling in front of me.
“Shige-chan, be careful okay. You’re still small. When you get to be a big boy then you can protect anything you want. It will be a lot easier too. So just wait okay. Let Onii-chan help until then.”
I smiled and nodded but I felt funny when he said that to me.
But I forgot about it when I saw Ryo-chan standing beside Jessi-chan, with the charm in his hand.
“Didn’t I tell you to go away.” He said.
“But you helped me at the park so I wanted to help you!” He would not look at me when I said that. Just played with his charm and shifting his feet.
“Could you help me with giving this to Erika-chan. Tell her it’s from me, please.” He handed me the charm. I nodded even though I thought it was silly. He smiled at me really big. He was still missing his two front teeth.
“Thanks.” He said this very quietly and then he ran off in his Wonderboy shoes. They light up just like my Yellow Ranger ones do! It was even cooler than his sweatshirt. When I am a big boy like Onii-chan I want shoes just like Ryo-chan.