
Jan 16, 2017 21:49

☆ I have no idea what's going on with the weather. It was like -5C yesterday. I was able to go out in just my autumn coat. Didn't even need to wear a hat. I'm not COMPLAINING, mind you! But after those arctic blasts we had, it's a little weird.

☆ This whole "trying to get less screen time" thing is... ehhh. I'm trying, but part of the thing is that I spend so much time staring at screens at work. And then when I get home, I don't have much energy for anything except mindlessly browsing anonmemes. Like, I try to read books (easier on the eyes) but I can't concentrate. ...Maybe I should try just putting on some music and going for a run instead. Normally it doesn't work so well when I feel like that; I find it difficult to get into the right mindset for it. But if it's something soothing and instrumental (like Ólafur Arnalds, maybe) it's possible I'll have more success...?

☆ I've heard people murmuring that they want a YOI rarepair exchange to exist. (Well, it'd probably be an "Everything except Victor/Yuuri" exchange, let's be real.) I want it to exist too. But I don't want to be the person to bring it into existence. :V Hopefully somebody will take this up, because it's a Good Idea. In the meantime... Chocolate Box? Lots of neat rare requests in there, and I hope to write some myself.

☆ Speaking of YOI, look, MadameFolie wrote something: View from the Top: The Power Pair That Shook the Sports World Victor/Yuuri, T, 1.7k; it's written as a magazine interview accompanying a photoshoot! Read it if you like unusual fic formats. Ahh man, I just love her work, no matter what fandom - so many of the things she turns out are exactly to my taste.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3534624.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

weather, life, yuri on ice, recs

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