Reading Wednesday

Jan 18, 2017 18:46

Finished reading: Today I Learned It Was You by Ed Riche. Nowhere near as funny as Rare Birds, unfortunately, but it wasn't bad. The thing is, I love Riche's writing, and he has such a way of painting a wide variety of characters, from many different walks of life, and of different personalities, all sketched out very realistically. These people are real; I know people like this. The problem is, I didn't like any of the characters in the novel (and I don't like those personality types in real life, heh) and the crazy plan/wacky hijinks weren't enough to make up for that. I remember that I also didn't like his other novel (Nine Planets) as much as Rare Birds, but I think that might be because it was a different genre. Anyway - I don't feel like I wasted my time, but I probably won't be re-reading this one. ...Anyway, it makes me want to dig out my copy of Rare Birds to see if it holds up as well as my memory of it does (and as well as the movie did, because the movie was great).

Currently reading: Still reading Amsterdam; I would probably have a much easier time getting through this if it weren't a huge hardcover, heh. I'm always slow with those. Anyway, nothing new to say about it - still an entertaining read, provide I skim past the author's ~thesis statements~. It's given me a lot of neat fic ideas and stuff to look up later, at least. I've been meaning to read more about the VOC and Dutch trade in the East Indies etc, so this has been a reminder of that....

Reading next: I picked up Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing from the library this past weekend. To be honest, I know very little about Cohen aside from the fact that he was Canadian and his work is very popular. I'm actually reading him on my father's recommendation - dude said, "His singing sucks, but his lyrics and poetry are great", ahaha... Our tastes don't actually match up very well, so I'm unsure what I'll actually make of this, but we'll see.

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