Silent Night Exchange - Gifts & Recs [SSSS & aRTD]

Jan 16, 2017 20:53

So, the works in Silent Night Exchange were revealed yesterday! 59 works in the collection as of this posting, wow. We managed to get everyone at least two gifts, which is awesome. <3 This fandom is crazy enthusiastic! And there are more for A Redtail's Dream than I was expecting - of course, the majority of the works are for Stand Still Stay Silent, no surprise there, but it's so good to see people writing/drawing fanwork for aRTD too. <3

I received five lovely gifts!

aRTD first (2), then SSSS fic (1), then SSSS fanart (2):

Last Letter (800 words, G). While preparing for Åsa’s birthday, Riika reads a letter sent from a friend in another town. Jonna/Riikka, aRTD + SSSS crossover!

We are running out of time (1.2k, T). Hokanniemi during Y0; Jonna and Riikka facing what's coming. Yes, another awesome aRTD + SSSS crossover. :D

Picking Every Battle (3k, G). If you want to kill a beast you have to know it first. Ása/Trond and their relationship backstory! *_*

Sparkling Blades of Grass (Art, G). *_* AHHH SOMEONE DREW LALLI AND NIKO FOR ME. Omfg I never thought I'd get art of Niko without having to pay for it. <3 Bless this artist.

Let your hair down tonight (Art, G). Year 90 Eurovision! Pffff, of course Finland would send a bunch of mages! xD <3

I've actually gone through the entire collection in the past two days. I have no idea how I managed it. xD Lots of awesome stuff, though. Anyway, it's hard to narrow it down, but under the cut I'll put my top 10 of the works that weren't for me. :D

Arranged alphabetically by title:

Favourites (1.7k, G). Everyone on the crew is Sigrun's favourite something, but Tuuri is her favourite-favourite. Sigrun/Tuuri, somewhat canon divergent (due to recent canon developments).

Field Notes from Finland (4.1k, T). In Year 30, an intrepid explorer sets out to discover what she can about Finland...and, most importantly, Finnish magic. A certain Finn agrees to help. Sometimes she actually does. In other words, Ensi/The Author of the Info Pages. Wonderful little epistolary/diary fic, and it's ILLUSTRATED!!!

Intervention (4.5k, T). Sigrun learns from her mistakes, Emil learns from his. Also, backstory with Sigrun's family. This is REALLY great, the family relationships and mentor+student relations are handled so well, and I really love the writing style.

Judging a Book (3k, G). Sometimes the best way to be understood is by not trying to explain yourself. Read this one if you're looking for some canon-typical horror with humour on the side. :D

Kallohonka (1.5k, G). Ensi teaches Lalli the proper way to dismember a beast. Lovely language and exploration of their relationship here.

Northern Light (Art, G). Very cute little comic with adorable Paju/Jonna (and hilarious background comments from Hannu). <3

Passenger's Missing (11k, T). When Tuuri is infected and bound to die, Sigrun must find ways to cope with both the impending loss and the realization of her feelings. Read this one if you want to sink your teeth into some femslash (Sigrun/Tuuri, if that's not obvious). Won't make sense unless you've finish reading Ch11 of the comic.

Some Time Away (~700, G). Tuomi learns that he’s not the only one learning to be less angry at the world. Cute sibling bonding between Tuomi and Paju. :D

Two to Tango (Art, G). Gorgeous illustration of Cold War AU Tuuri/Mikkel! <3

Väinämöinen's Land (13.9k, G). After Iceland has abandoned its isolation policy, a delegation of skalds is sent out to Saimaa to learn as much of the Finns and their world as possible. In other words, someone tries to make friends with Ensi (whether Ensi likes it or not). VERY worth a read, really nice to sink your teeth into.

...Gdi there are too many things that I like, I want to add more but arrgh -- Okay, just one more!
Safe in Your Arms (Art, G). Cuddly Emil/Lalli + sweaters, aww! <3

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silentnightex, a redtail's dream, stand still stay silent, recs

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