
Dec 29, 2016 21:09

☆ I went ahead and posted my Chocobox Exchange letter* because I'm a keener a hoser finished and impatient. And because if it goes unposted, I'll just... keep adding to it. And that would be terrible.

☆ I received a WONDERFUL little package from Qichi today, ahhh. ;;; Chocolate (mmm <3 ) and a book that looks really good - Off the Map: Lost Cities, Invisible Cities, Forgotten Islands, Feral Places, and What They Tell Us About the World by Alastair Bonnett. Totally looking forward to reading this one. <3 And also, Q WROTE ME A POEM. IN NORWEGIAN. And it is beautiful, both på norsk and in English. Some people are so amazingly thoughtful, it's overwhelming.

☆ (And this reminds me that I really should try again with Norwegian in this upcoming year. Because I did manage to get through Q's poem, but there were so many words in it that I didn't know, and most of the vocabulary wasn't that unusual, so I really have no excuses.)

☆ I've been told that the time between Dec 25th and Jan 01 is a liminal space. You know what? I'm starting to agree. It always feels weird and slightly off and I Do Not Like It.

☆ Here, have a Wodehouse fic rec: The War of the Worlds and All That, Jeeves/Wooster, 13+, 7.1k, in which Bertie gets abducted by aliens and... well, see for yourself. ;) I think you can read this one without knowing much of the canon - I've only read one of the Jeeves novels, myself. It's delightfully funny, anyway.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3528514.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

friends, life, languages: norwegian, recs

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