Chocolate Box Exchange Letter :。・:*:・゚'☆

Dec 29, 2016 20:25

Dear Chocolatier,

Hi! I'm looking forward to being your recipient. The prompts I've outlined in this letter are just guidelines; if you have a great idea that doesn't hit my dislikes, go ahead and do that! I'm sure it'll be awesome. Many of these pairs are ones that I've requested before, so if you need more ideas, it might be worthwhile to look at my previous exchange letters.

In some cases, I've requested both & and / versions of the pairings, and I've folded them together in the prompt lists. Most of the things that I love in gen relationships are also things that I love in romance too, so it made sense to organize them that way. For medium, I've requested both fic and art for everything, because I appreciate both equally. Rating-wise, I'm equally okay with anything from very mild shipping (G-rated stuff) to 18+ scenarios for any of the requested romance ( / ) pairings. For the gen ( & ) pairs, I’m fine with anything from G to M, the latter especially if you’re doing horror fanwork! :D

Comments/questions/requests for clarification are welcome. For reference, my ao3 name is yuuago.

General likes and dislikes

❀ Things I love: Slice-of-life. People teaching each other things. Mentor relationships. Cooking or sharing food as an affectionate gesture. Presumed Dead scenarios. Hurt/comfort/caretaking. Action - primarily the battlefield kind. Mythology, folklore, and monsters, where applicable. Descriptions of setting/situations where setting has an important part to the mood of the piece. Language barriers. Characters who are afraid, but press on anyway, because something needs to be done, and nobody else is going to do it. Taking care of injuries. Mutual understandings, either due to shared personality or experiences. Atypical formats - drabble sequences/epistolary stories/wordless comics/etc. *For 18+ scenarios, I would love it if the clothing stays on, or at least partially on. I think that's basically the hottest thing ever.

❀ Art-specific likes: Illustrated scenes, such as one scene out of a described fic prompt, or anything scenario-ish from the general likes above. Backgrounds. Canon-typical colour palettes. Limited colour palettes, especially b&w + pop of colour. Physical contact (hugs, high-fives, hand-holding, fistbumps, cuddles, kisses...) Shippy art of any of the romance pairs would be very appreciated. < 3

❀ Please do not include: AUs/Crossovers unless otherwise requested. Non-canon character death. Unrequested noncanon pairings. Sexual violence. Forest fires/house fires. Writing out languages other than English - no random dialogue written in Finnish/Spanish/Chinese/etc please!

Yuri!!! On Ice

Requested pairings: Leo de la Iglesia/Guang-Hong Ji, Phichit Chulanont/Guang-Hong Ji, Phichit Chulanont/Leo de la Iglesia/Guang-Hong Ji, Christophe Giacometti/Guang-Hong Ji, Leo de la Iglesia/Jean-Jacques Leroy, Phichit Chulanont/Phichit Chulanont's Phone, Phichit Chulanont & Celestino Cialdini, Phichit Chulanont/Celestino Cialdini
*There is also a Phichit request in the Crossover Fandom section!
Fandom-Specific Details

❀ Fandom-specific likes: Using skating/skate routines as a way to express affection/catch someone's interest/seduce someone. Cultural differences. Characters visiting one another. Skaters helping each other perfect certain techniques. Friendly competition/friendly rivalry/encouraging one another. Super-cheesy roleplay. Pair Skating or Ice Dancing is always lovely - either for actual public routines (like Victor/Yuuri's pair skate at the end of ep 12), or "just for fun" attempts in private. Actually, anything skating-related in general is very appreciated. (Though, I don't actually know very much about figure skating, so if your work hinges on sport knowledge, I might not understand all the references!)

❀ If you want to do Shanghai Blade AU for any of the Guang Hong requests, go crazy! Or any kind of mafia/assassin/gangster/detective/noir type stuff - it doesn't have to follow the exact storyline used in his Free Skate. Parallel universes are also welcome - such as situations where the world where Guang Hong is a figure skater and the world of his FS exist simultaneously. :D

❀ Leo/Guang Hong: I'm equally open to scenarios where they're mutually crushing but aren't in a relationship yet, or situations where the relationship is already established. How did they get together? Did something happen between them at Cup of China, or did they get together at a later point? Had Guang Hong been hopelessly crushing on Leo ever since Skate America? How would they deal with the inconvenience of the long-distance relationship? I like to think that they would exchange playlists - if it happened at a point when they aren't together yet, the song choices might be a way to test the waters (see if the other feels the same...) or it could just be a hopelessly sappy love declaration! Skating as a way to express affection would work very well for these two - perhaps one decides to skate to a song that he knows the other likes? Or maybe the program itself could be centred around a gesture of love. I'm sure they would try to see one another outside of competition if the opportunity presents itself - how would that go?

❀ Phichit/Guang Hong: These two are way too cute! Guang Hong certainly wouldn't be able to keep his vow of quitting social media if he was in a relationship with Phichit, would he. ;) What if they tried to keep their relationship on the down-low, because attracting too much attention would be a distraction from skating? Would that fail spectacularly, or would they - surprisingly - succeed for a while? It would also be interesting to see their relationship from an outsider's point of view - one of their fans, or one of their friends; since a lot of it would probably documented via public comments, it would probably be easy to trace its trajectory. I'd also be interested in scenarios before the relationship, with Guang Hong crushing hopelessly on Phichit, while Phichit is a little oblivious, or maybe not at all. :D

❀ Phichit/Leo/Guang Hong: These three would go together so well. <3 It would be nice to see how they handle the practical details of this arrangement - a long-distance relationship is difficult in itself, but adding a third person to it would make the situation even more challenging. How would they make it work? Group messages? When two of them have a chance to meet up, would they send the third person photos? 8) (Interpretation of just what that could be is up to you) When the three of them have a chance to see each other - primarily at competitions, I'm assuming - would they try to make up for the lack of physical contact? (Just how that happens is up to you - cuddlepiles are fine, sex is also fine :D ) I'm not particular about the configuration for this particular ot3, so actual 3-ways or V-type arrangements are both cool with me.

❀ Christophe/Guang Hong: Originally, I was into them because I like the way they'd look together (that height difference!) but somewhere along the line, I started earnestly shipping it. Chris seems like the kind of guy who'd flirt with almost anyone, and back off if they weren't interested. But what if Guang Hong was interested? I bet Chris could charm the socks off of him (or the skates, as it were). Relations that are seductive, but also lighthearted and even sweet, are what I'm looking for here. Maybe it only happens on one night; perhaps Guang Hong is curious about Chris's ~mature eros~, and decides to discover more about that for himself - flustered by the flirting, but very interested. Maybe that one night turns into other occasions when they come across each other at other competitions. Maybe what was intended to just be a series of flings develops into something more serious over time. Something within the context of an established relationship would also be nice - perhaps Chris could invite Guang Hong to visit him during the off season (Guang Hong would find Switzerland very beautiful, don't you think?), and they could spend a delightfully romantic time together.

❀ Leo/JJ: Leo seems like a pretty chill guy, but JJ has the kind of personality that I imagine would really get under his skin. This might lead toward Leo dragging JJ (kicking and screaming) into the light and toward the path to a less egotistical existence... or it might lead to JJ dragging Leo down into a vicious cycle of friction and petty rivalry ending in hatesex (or at least "you annoy me so much but also you're really hot" sex). Things I enjoy: Shirt-grabbing, hair-pulling, shoving against the nearest flat surface, etc. It's up to you how antagonistic these two actually are; while the details I've listed are pretty sharp, I'd also be 100% down for something more mellow, especially since we've seen in some of the canon scenes that JJ can be pretty sweet at times. *If you decide to set it during canon year or postcanon, I'd like JJ's relationship with Isabella to be an open relationship. (Hell, I'd even be interested in JJ/Leo/Isabella if you want to go in that direction 8D )

❀ Phichit/Phichit's Phone: There are a lot of directions you could take with this one; horror/surreal, or crack, or porn (or cracky surreal porn), and I'm interested in all of them! The phone is haunted/possessed by a spirit that develops Feelings for the owner of its vessel? Phichit starts receiving mysterious sexts from someone, and engages that person, without realizing that the messages are coming from the phone itself? The handsome Phone is in fact capable of giving Phichit some sweet tech lovin', a la Chuck Tingle's oeuvre? (Not necessary to have it in the style of Tingle's work, though I'm guaranteed to find it hilarious if you do that). ...Creative use of the phone as a sex aid? (*Grinding or unconventional application of vibration settings etc preferred - no object insertion please!) Or anything else that I haven't thought of! Also, entirely worksafe fanwork with Phichit kissing or cuddling his phone would absolutely be loved and appreciated! <3

❀ Phichit & Celestino OR Phichit/Celestino: One of the many little details that I loved in this series is how warm and positive Phichit and Celestino are toward each other, and how well they work together. I'd love to see anything - slices of moments during training or putting together one of Phichit's programs, times of encouragement when something just isn't working out, joy when Phichit succeeds in competition (or support when he doesn't do as well as he had hoped - even though Phichit is a positive guy, last place can still be pretty disappointing.) If you decide to portray it as romantic, I'd be interested in it at any stage in the relationship - whether it's Phichit crushing on his coach, or Celestino developing feelings for Phichit (and maybe feeling conflicted about it), or the moment when everything comes together - or something where they're already established would also be great! Would that be near the current canon point, or farther down the line? Anything's good, as long as it's lighthearted. <3 (It's okay if they discover that there are challenges related to the coach/protege thing and making the relationship work both on and off the ice, but I'd prefer if it wasn't a total angst pile-on, thank you!)

A Redtail's Dream :。・:*:・゚'☆

Requested pairings: Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm, Jouko Kuikka & Hannu Viitanen, Åsa Skärsholm & Ms. Seal, Åsa Skärsholm/Ms. Seal
*There are also some crossover pairings with Åsa! Scroll down to "Crossover Fandom" to see those requests.
Fandom-Specific Details

☆ Fandom-specific Likes: Canon-typical mythology references. Canon-typical horror and violence. Creepy otherworldliness contrasted with the comfortable mundane of life outside of the Dream. Precanon and postcanon settings. Setting crossovers with Stand Still Stay Silent, following how the aRTD characters handle SSSS's apocalypse and the early years of the rash disease, would be VERY welcome.

☆ Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm: My favourite aRTD fluff pairing! I just think these two would be so cute together. I'd love to see brief, happy moments between these two - moments they shared together, or kissed, or danced together (I'm thinking "Five times" type stories - those would be great). For something more elaborate - how would they get together, anyway? Who confessed first - and was it mutual? I rather like the idea of Riikka crushing hopelessly on a clueless Jonna, but interpret the idea however you please. : D

☆ Jouko Kuikka & Hannu Viitanen: Jouko seems to have a very fatherly attitude toward Hannu, and I'd love to see that explored. To me, they seem to be pretty close, even if distant at the same time (because, again, parental figure) and I feel that Jouko does have some genuine affection for Hannu, even if he also finds him extremely exasperating. How did this situation come to be - was it just proximity, or did a specific situation cause it? How would their relations develop later on in life, when Hannu is (hopefully) more mature? We only get a glimpse of their day-to-day interactions - so, what's that like?

☆ Åsa Skärsholm & Ms. Seal OR Åsa Skärsholm/Ms. Seal: I love their interaction in the comic - they seem to get along so well! I'd be interested in seeing some of the scenes we missed, such as their first meeting and their Pike-hunting attempts before Hannu arrived (how did Ms Seal get all the way up onto that lookout - did Åsa haul her up there herself?) I'd be also interested in seeing a happy postcanon reunion between them! Both friendship and romantic relationships are great, though I do ask that if anything physical happens between them, please have Ms Seal appear as a human. (What do you think human!Seal would look like?) A SSSS Year 0 scenario would be very welcome with these two, especially if Ms Seal helps Åsa and her family avoid the dangers of the Rash monsters.

Hetalia: Axis Powers :。・:*:・゚'❀

Requested pairings: China/Rome, France/Norway, Netherlands/Norway
*There is also a Thailand request in the Crossover Fandom section!
Fandom-Specific Details

❀ Fandom-specific Likes: Historical settings/historical references. Emphasis on the nation/geographical element of the characters (they are people, but they are also the land, in a way). Quiet, cozy, mundane moments. Horror/folklore/mythology references. Illustrations of nations in traditional/folk clothing are always a winner. Please only use nation names and canon-universe settings. Also, it's okay to do Nyotalia (always-a-woman AU) versions of any of these pairings if you'd prefer. :)


❀ China/Rome: I would love to see some kind of contact during ancient times - pick the century of your choice, I have no preference. The trade between them wasn't direct, since it happened via the Silk Road (and all those many, many places in between) but I really love the idea that they might have had some kind of correspondence, and via these messages, developed some kind of interest. Perhaps they even arranged to meet at some point? And if so, were they satisfied or disappointed? Or perhaps they never met in person, and only knew one another through messages and trade goods. ...Basically, I'm looking for a very difficult, very long-distance relationship, haha. Or even just one-sided feelings based on what one of them knows about the other (things that might be true, or might be very untrue!) But if you're doing fanart, context is not required unless you want to do so - put them together anyway; they'd look so pretty together (especially in elaborate clothing! *_* ).

❀ France/Norway: France has the kind of personality that Norway would probably find a little bit much (read: annoying), but if he toned things down a bit, I bet they could meet one another more evenly. Perhaps France sets out to seduce Norway, and adjusts his methods to fit the subject - discovering, in the process, that Norway is rather receptive when approached correctly. Historical settings could be great for this - Norway somehow catching France's attention in spite of being so quiet and far-away and in the shadow of his more powerful relations. As far as modern fluff goes, they probably share more interests than one might expect; for example, Norway probably loves skiing, and I bet France would like it too, so seeing them do something like that together would be great. <3

❀ Netherlands/Norway: I love cozy moments between these two; quiet afternoon walks in sunny parks, or hiking in Norway's mountains, or gardening together, or sailing together, or petting bunnies... you know, sweet fluffy stuff. Neither of them seems like a very talkative person, but perhaps they would send one another letters - would they have more to say in text? Ambiguously modern settings are good, but historical settings are also great, especially if it takes place during the time that Netherlands and Denmark (and thus Norway) were allies - I'm thinking primarily ~17th century etc. (Addition) Also, parts of some Dutch cities - I'm thinking Amsterdam in particular here - were built with/have foundations made from Norwegian lumber, and those foundations still stand today. If you want to take a surreal approach, this might be an interesting way to do it (Netherlands' populous areas built up from the physical parts of a nation who is now his lover).

Stand Still Stay Silent :。・:*:・゚'☆

Requested pairings: Ása Harðardóttir/Original Female Character, Trond Andersen & Sigrun Eide, Michael Madsen/Signe Sørensen
*There are also some crossover requests with Ása! Scroll down to the Crossover Fandom requests to see them.
Fandom-Specific Details

☆ Fandom-specific Likes: Exploration of the SSSS world - how it fell apart, how it was built up again, how it is in Year 90. Magic. Hurt/comfort. Action, especially if it involves beating up trolls, especially-especially if somebody ends up covered in blood. Canon-typical horror. Canon-typical violence. Exploring alllll of the creepy old buildings! Development of relationships - be those relationships romantic or friendship or even just friendly cooperation. Mundane moments of peace in between action.

☆ Ása Harðardóttir/Original Female Character: I'd love to see any kind of romantic relationship between Captain Ása and an original character. Whether it be something casual, or a more long-term and committed relationship, it all sounds good to me! What kind of person would Ása's lover be like - another sailor (on her ship, or a different one), or someone more connected to the land? Would her partner be Icelandic, or would she be in a relationship with someone from a more far-off place? Hell, maybe Ása has a lover in every port. :D How would they have met? How would they keep in contact?

☆ Trond Andersen & Sigrun Eide: I'd love to see something exploring the relations between Sigrun and her Uncle Trond. :D She seems to be rather fond of him (then again, she's that way with everybody) and it would be cool to see how they get along. Something with a much younger Sigrun could be great - Trond is obviously an accomplished military man, perhaps she looked up to him a lot when she was a kid? Or something set closer to canon era would also be great. I bet Sigrun would love to hear stories about the campaigns of Trond's youth - both the ones that went well (and thus turned out awesome) and the ones that weren't as successful (so that she could learn something from his experience). Perhaps, during the time before Trond retired, Sigrun even had a chance to work alongside him.

☆ Michael Madsen/Signe Sørensen: This is one of my favourite SSSS pairs. :) I could see a million iterations of get-together scenarios for them, and still never get bored. What happened after they left the ferry? How did Michael make the decision to ask Signe to go with him - and how did she take it? When did they get together as a pairing, anyway? Signe more likely than not has family that she left behind - how would she cope with the separation, would Michael be able to provide some comfort for her? (Or would his... unique personality just make matters worse, at least at first?) Slice-of-life moments on the farm are also very welcome.

Crossover Fandom :。・:*:・゚'❀

Requested pairings: Phichit Chulanont (Yuri!!! on Ice) & Thailand (Hetalia), Phichit Chulanont (Yuri!!! on Ice)/Thailand (Hetalia), Ása Harðardóttir (Stand Still Stay Silent) & Åsa Skärsholm (A Redtail's Dream), Ása Harðardóttir (Stand Still Stay Silent)/Åsa Skärsholm (A Redtail's Dream), Elsa (Frozen)/Snow Queen (The Snow Queen 1957)
Fandom-Specific Details

❀ Crossover-specific Likes: My main preference is that the two characters fit in the same universe seamlessly - so I best when the characters have "always existed" in the same world, rather than portal-fantasy scenarios. Tweaking of background is probably necessary in order to make this work in some cases, and that's okay. :)

❀ Phichit (YOI) & Thailand (Hetalia) OR Phichit (YOI)/Thailand (Hetalia): Phichit's affection for his country is adorable and off the charts, so let's take it in the most literal direction possible. :D I bet Thailand would be so proud of him for making it so far, even if he didn't win gold. Perhaps Thailand would attend one of the competitions to watch Phichit in person? Cup of China would be great, or GPF, or a future competition, any possibility is good. Or for something much more small-scale, intimate, and low-key - perhaps Phichit could teach Thailand to skate! I'm undecided whether Thailand would have ever tried before Phichit convinced him to put those skates on - what do you think? (Gratuitous 'The King and the Skater' references welcome. ;p )

❀ Ása Harðardóttir (SSSS) & Åsa Skärsholm (aRTD) OR Ása Harðardóttir (SSSS)/Åsa Skärsholm (aRTD): Let's pretend that Åsa (and the other aRTD characters) lives during SSSS's world/timeline. :D I think Åsa and Ása would get along very well, and I'd love to see them interact - either as friends or as lovers, it's up to you. How would they meet? Would business of some kind take Ása to Finland? Or would Åsa be a sailor too - captain of a trade vessel, or something more military-oriented, or something else? If they are in a romantic relationship, what is that relationship like? ...Alternately, I'd love to just see them trying to drink each other under the table, pff. I bet they'd give each other a run for their money. ;)

❀ Elsa (Frozen)/Snow Queen (The Snow Queen 1957): A Snow Queen/Snow Queen pair! If you haven't seen the 1957 Soviet animated version of Snezhnaya Koroleva, it's on youtube with English subs. Anyway - these two could hardly be less alike. Interpret this pair however you want; very loose interpretation of story is okay. Perhaps the Snow Queen is a force that Elsa has to defeat, and in the process of trying to do so, Elsa wins her heart? Or perhaps Snezhnaya Koroleva hears that there is someone with powers similar to her own, and kidnaps Elsa (or attempts to seduce her, or both!). Maybe the Snow Queen was once a kind person, and her heart can be melted through the power of love. ...Or maybe she's just really creepy. ;p I'm definitely open to darker interpretations here, since the Snow Queen in the Soviet film is so cold and menacing! Also, I think this would be a great pairing for fanart, since they would look absolutely gorgeous together.

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or at the original entry.

hetalia, chocolate box exchange, exchange letters, frozen, a redtail's dream, yuri on ice, stand still stay silent

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