
Dec 10, 2016 22:41

☆ ONCE AGAIN it was too cold to go out. In fact, I kind of had trouble sleeping through the night, because my room is coooold. If this is going to keep up, I'll have to bring out the heavy artillery: flannel bedsheets. Gotta' wash them first, though. So it'll be that + regular quilt + two down-filled quilts. ...That should fix it. orz Arrrgh, why do I live somewhere that's so cold! (Yes, the complaining will continue until the weather improves.)

☆ Finally watched Zootopia! I've been meaning to for ages, since so many people have recced it to me. <3 GOOD TIMES. It's such a cute movie (super pretty, too). I usually don't come out of films wanting a sequel, but I would be 100% down for a second movie with Judy and Nick being an amazing buddy cop duo. :D

☆ AHHHH one of my mates drew some adorable Leo/Guang Hong fanart <3 It's over on twitter here... I dunno if she'll upload it to tumblr. But anyway. Way too cute. I might try to write something based on that, I don't know. We'll see.

☆ I have way too many things in my WIP folder, so I've been procrastinating on assigned things by trying to finish other things. And so far it's working. (I'll get to the assigned stuff, shhh, it's fine.) Anyway, I'm at 77 finished works total for the year... Can I make it 80? 8) We will seeee.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3522410.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, weather, yuri on ice, movies

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