Dec 09, 2016 20:18

☆ It was -45C this morning. I had things I was going to do today, but those plans... uh. Kind of had to be put aside. A little. Also had plans for tomorrow, but those probably won't happen either. This is TOO COLD.

☆ Ahhh prompts have been posted for YOI week, yay! (Over here) Probably won't stick all that strictly to this, but it's great to have some ideas. Still not quite decided about what I'll do... but knowing me it'll probably end up being an entire week of Leo/Guang Hong ficlets, pfffff. If I manage to get into gear and write something, that is.

☆ Speaking of prompts, someone posted this prompt generator and I've been playing with it for about half an hour, haaa... It looks like it's originally intended for roleplay scenarios, but it also looks like it would work great for writing, if you're looking to write fluff or fun tropey nonsense.

☆ I finished typing up the draft for my Silver Linings zine fic. I'm still not happy with it. But there's always some stage or other where I hate my writing, so... I dunno. I'll give this thing the stink-eye and keep banging away at it. The good thing is, I'm well above the minimum, so if I need to do some major cuts/revisions, it's actually doable without too much rewriting.

☆ It's ridiculously cold out and I'm reading a history book about some dude who froze to death in the arctic and there just seems to be something... funny... about that. Maybe I should pick a warmer topic; I might feel a little bit less chilly. ;p

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writing, weather, life, yuri on ice

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