
Dec 11, 2016 19:02

(Having trouble putting my thoughts into words, here, pardon me. It's difficult to say what I actually mean with this kind of thing.)

I realized today that I kind of like it when, in fanwork, people stick Guang Hong in very "pretty" (or feminine) fashions... Lacy things, nail polish, whatever.

This is a little different from what I usually prefer.

Sometimes, when people do this with male characters who are more on the delicate/pretty side, it kind of grinds my gears, because it seems to be an assumption that of course they would like that, because they look like that. But I'm bringing my own baggage to the table here, because of assumptions people make about me and my own tastes and interests.

But we see in canon that Guang Hong tends to like very cutesy things, so I guess that's why in this particular case it doesn't bother me - because rather than just making assumptions based on what the character looks like, people are drawing from what's actually there. Dude sure does seem to like teddy bears and the colour pink....

Not just that, but the aesthetic of the Parfume des Fleurs SP seems rather in that direction (pretty and delicate things). The music, his clothes, what little we see of the skating.... It's a very light and delicate piece. I remember that for the Inferno FS, there's emphasis on how it was his coach's idea, and he wouldn't have chosen something like that for himself; he had difficulty connecting to it. There is no comment like that about the SP, which makes me think it's probably something he chose for himself, that it was his idea. So, something more to his taste, something he can connect to and work with more easily.

Anyway. Yeah. I like it when people take that and run with it, extrapolating his tastes from those things that we see. I'll probably eventually stumble over someone who does it in a way that I don't like, but for now, I like it. I guess it's partly because my tastes are often like that as well - I like pretty things, I like cute things, I like that soft and delicate aesthetic, I love wearing jewellery, and so on.... So it's nice to see that in fanwork, and not be left feeling like people pulled the idea out of thin air.

And it helps that Guang Hong is so cute. Absolutely adorable. I want to hug him and squish his face and paint his nails, haha.

Don't know if I'll touch on this kind of thing in my own fanwork, mind you, but who knows....

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thoughts, yuri on ice

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