
Nov 29, 2016 21:01

☆ SOMEBODY has given me the hugest craving for rum cake, and this is terrible.

3 Sentence Ficathon is happening over at Livejournal. There are some SSSS & aRTD & YOI prompts over on page... eh... 15 onward. Only had enough brain this night to do one fill *, but hopefully I'll manage more tomorrow! But man, cramming a story into three sentences is hard. Especially since I'm fond of short sentences.

☆ Speaking of writing, I only have about 4.5k to go before I hit 100k for the year. I'm so pleased.

☆ I've had this song stuck in my head all evening because of the fic I was working on above: Simple Plan - Jet Lag. Funny thing is, I didn't know beforehand, but - when I was watching the music video I was like "Wait... THAT'S IN CANADA." (The bilingual airport terminal signs gave it away.) And sure enough, the band's Canadian.

☆ Some random person gave me a ride home from work. Well, not that random - we live in the same neighbourhood, and she's seen me walking around, and when she saw me waiting at the bus stop, she felt bad for me or something, heh. Well, that was nice. We've tentatively arranged that she'll pick me up on alternating weeks (the weeks I work regular hours, rather than late), since she's going in the same direction anyway. I'm a little hesitant, because I'm horrible at small talk and I'm terribly asocial many days, but... well, we'll see how this goes. It'll be nice to have a ride home when it starts getting colder, anyway.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3518805.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, writing, music, life

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