Katsudon Pirozhki [YOI 09]

Nov 30, 2016 18:53

It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means!
This episode had lots of skating in it. That always makes me happy. (Yes, I do enjoy skating in my skating anime, go figure.)

And now we have... the second part of the Rostelecom Cup! While I enjoyed ep08, I didn't like it quite as much as the Cup of China episodes. But judging by the reactions of everyone else who's seen this one before me, ep09 is a good one. We will see. :V Ah, this is more than a tad liveblog-y, again, because I was taking notes while watching. And then couldn't bother to edit.

"If you're in trouble, just hug Yakov, and he'll help you" ... Really Victor? Hug Yakov? WELL, OKAY.....

AWWW YURIO'S GRANDFATHER BROUGHT HIM KATSUDON PIROZHKI. How sweet! I'm glad he'll be here for this one to watch Yurio <3 Having him not there for the SP obviously screwed him up.

Hmmm, Emil's Free Skate.... I like his clothes! Not sure how I feel about the music, though. And once again - I feel like I don't know him well enough to feel anything intense about him. He seems like a nice guy, but, hm. Going to need to resort to fanwork to expand on him, I think. I love how cheerful he is at the end of his FS, though, even after those falls!
(You know, I think he'd get along well with Leo and Phichit and Guang Hong. Those are some character interactions that we won't get in-canon, but I'd love to see. <3 )

"You need to win without my support, Mickey" You tell him, Sister. Bro needs to LET IT GO. He's a good skater, he'll be okayyyy.





Ships have been launched on less. Get to it, fandom. Put some femslash into Yuri on Ice. xD Please!

Oooh, I like Mickey's FS getup! Purple + sparkles + classy styling, NIIIIICE.

OOH WAIT, Georgi's with Mila and Sara too! Holy shit, this means the JJ/Georgi scenario I had wanted to write is actually possible, since he's confirmed to be in Moscow! YESSSS. ... Lol, those doe eyes when he talks about feeling love in Michele's skating, though. Maybe I should write Mickey/Georgi instead. xD

... Wow, Mickey's performance was actually really nice. I didn't have a lot of feelings about him during his SP, but this one was great, since not only did it look cool, we also got so much of his intense inner monologue.

... Yurio, are you sure you can move those jumps to the second half? Eesh, that's such a teenager thing to do. (Daring, though. I hope he'll land all of them?)

Whoa, I had heard about Seung Gil crying, but I didn't expect it to be so - well, I mean - hmm. I don't have a lot of intense feelings about this guy, but it was obvious before he started his FS that he wasn't feeling entirely confident, I think - not after watching Mickey - so to see him so broken up over it... Ahh, I just want to, you know. Hand him a tissue. It gives him another layer, which is nice because previously he was so cold.

Wow, Yurio sure is pretty! Channelling young Victor, perhaps? ...And omg, the little flames on his skates! LOVE. "To beat them, I can't make any mistakes!" Ahhh, Yurio... and FFF WHEN HE REMEMBERS JJ. "THAT SHITHEAD!" Oh my goddddd. Well, he's not wrong! And hey, if spite is what powers you, why not?

And AHHH HE LANDED ALL OF HIS JUMPS!! YAYYYYY. And Lilia's relieved reaction, and Grandfather's applause, and Yurio's excitement at the end -- love it. <3

Oh dear, Yuuri, let's see how this goes.... "If I fail here, everything is over" ... Ahh.... Wow, so many mess-ups, that bit about not doing well when he has a lot on his mind is right. OH - those little shots of Yurio's face! He seems to be cheering for him?!

"Cheer for me too, will you?" Lol, if JJ were being earnest there, I would think that's cute, but as it is, YOUUU SHITHEAAAAD

...Ahhh I love Yakov's reactions when Yuri does manage to get it right, it's nice to see him with something other than a grumpy look on his face. And AWW THAT HUG YUURI GIVES HIM how sweet.

Oooh, here's JJ and the return of that green costume I love so much! Siiiigh, brah, you aren't going to win if you keep being so overconfident and narcissistic! "I bet Victor ran because he was afraid of losing to me" lol boy, you weren't even on Victor's radar. (Love his shoutout to the people of Canada, though.) ...Sigh. He's a great skater, and that was a great FS, but he's so punchable!

...lol Yuuri, why are you hugging everyone. THIS IS WEIRD but I like it xD And I love how chill Emil is in reaction to it, he just goes along with it, pffffff. (Unlike Yurio, who RUNS AWAY fffffff) I hope that hug made Seung Gil feel even a little bit better. It probably didn't, but you never know...! (Also, now I want a hug from Yuuri.)

I normally don't find him cute but holy shit he's fucking adorable when he's happy

...Oh man, the moment between Victor and Yuuri at the end - I'd heard a lot of things about it, but now actually seeing it... So sweet! Actually, cuteness aside, this scene is just really well done. In terms of the, uh, you know [/vague handgestures] Ugh I lack vocabulary, but like, the way that it's set up/blocked, the way that the beats are arranged, everything.

Also, let's talk about those previews for ep 10.
"Something round and golden for Christmas"... He's obviously talking about a medal, but I 100% support the idea of wedding rings instead. GET ON THAT, FANDOM.

But also.

WE'RE FINALLY GOING TO MEET OTABEK. HOORAY. I've been waiting for this for a while - they keep showing snips of him, so they must be setting him up for something big, otherwise they wouldn't keep bringing him up. FINAL BOSS, ANYONE? Also, what, he drives a motorcycle? THAT'S SO COOL.

Final thoughts on the ep, in summary:
-I want katsudon pirozhki
-Yurio's free skate was fantastic
-JJ needs a punch in the face
-That ending was fucking adorable, good lord. <3

And now I can hardly wait until the next episode, ahhhhhh....

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