What if - [YOI]

Nov 29, 2016 13:36

Okay, so. What if all those Shanghai Blade-inspired snapshots that we saw in Guang Hong's imagination during his Inferno freeskate actually were images of a parallel universe?

Not sure if I prefer the events taking place simultaneously, or just impressions of something that had already happened.

And I suppose - hell, why not - he could at other times get more images/flashes from that universe, and of course he'd just interpret it as imagination and inspiration, and draw from it as such.

And maybe he takes it as a sign from his subconscious that he should tell Leo how he feels, because they are together in his "imagination", but in "real life" he hasn't said a word about it - not that Guang Hong is subtle about how he feels, of course. At all.

Meanwhile, in another universe, these things that he is imagining are actually happening. Secret organization and assassinations and running from bad guys and all that stuff.

I'd totally read this AU.

I probably wouldn't write this AU, but I'd read it.

(Oh hell, it's going on the ideas list anyway*, but ff. FFFF. Probably beyond my ability.)

*Normally I'd just dump something like this on twitter, but I'd like to be able to find it later, so....

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3518553.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

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