Young man, take the breadsticks and run

Nov 28, 2016 18:20

☆ Nice little things: Rice pudding, coffee with egg nogg, and cinnamon. I love this time of year.

☆ Yuletide Exchange fic is done. D O N E. Done! Yay! Maybe if I find some energy, I'll write a second story for this exchange. But it's nice to know what I'm finished with all of the required stuff.

☆ I received a late treat for Trick or Treat exchange! *_* Monument by Idonae. Ex Machina, ~600, 0+. Lovely use of language. Go read it if you enjoy this fandom. <3

☆ I've seen people mentioning the December Talking Meme again... Considering I post so frequently, I figure, it probably isn't necessary. ;p But if there's anything in particular you all would be interested in me yammering on about, drop a comment. Though I leave no guarantees that I'll get to it, of course.

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trickortreatex, ex machina, writing, yuletide, life

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