
Nov 27, 2016 08:28

☆ Snowed yesterday. Not enough, though. We need more of it. I feel kind of like a weirdo, complaining about how there isn't enough snow, considering that things are so much easier for me as a pedestrian when there's only a little bit, but... we really, really need the precipitation, argh. BRING IT ON. All of it. So much snow. Please. And hey, if we get dumped with a ton of it, at least we won't have to worry about the Waterways neighbourhood getting flooded in the spring again like it always does, because Waterways... isn't there any more... Um.

☆ 'Tis the season for standing in line at the post office. Ughh... I am not looking forward to mailing these packages, but I really should get this taken care of today, shouldn't I, considering putting it off until next week will just be worse. (No, self, giving the boxes the stink-eye won't make them pack themselves, will it?)

☆ I should probably write all these upcoming fandom events and due dates down on my calendar so I won't forget, buuuut that's not necessarily how I roll.

  • Dec 01 - SSSSForum Advent Calendar. Done. Don't need to worry about it any more. :V
  • Dec 18 - Yuletide Exchange deadline. Done! I don't know if I'll be writing any extra stories for this exchange this year, though.
  • Dec 20th - Silver Linings Zine submission date. Halfway through a draft for this, shouldn't be too hard to finish it. Though I'm going to have to do some research before I polish it. And will have to find a beta, argh.
  • Dec ??? - Chocolate Box Exchange nominations open. Date not announced yet, but noms opened Dec 20th last year.
  • Jan 07 - Silent Night exchange fic due. I haven't started this yet, but I have ideas, so we're good.
  • Jan 08-14 - Yuri on Ice Week. Prompts aren't up for this yet, but should be soon. Hopefully I'll be able to write a little something? *_* I'm thinking bite-sized stories, probably all minor character pairings (Leo/Guang Hong!! and maybe some Phichit stuff?) but we'll see if I get inspired.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3518090.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, weather, life

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