
Oct 10, 2016 21:49

It snowed yesterday. Excuse me while I scream. It's too early in the winter for this nonsense.

☆ Canadian Thanksgiving came and went, and it all was pretty good. Luckily for me, my parents didn't invite over anyone that they don't like, so I didn't have to listen to any complaining about that. Hooray! Also, the pumpkin pies had about an inch and a half of whipped cream on them, courtesy of yours truly. (The more whip cream, the better. Real whipped cream, thank you very much.)

☆ Received my Yuletide assignment earlier than expected. A bit sparse on the extra details, but I can work with this! It'll probably be a week or two before I start working on it, though - I need to polish some Trick or Treat stuff, and I want to do canon review as well, just so I can get pumped to write it. ...Hmm, I wonder who was assigned to write for me? :D

☆ I'm only two episodes into Rose of Versailles and wellll, looks like I'm hooked. SO DRAMATIC. SO SPARKLY. SO MAJESTIC. I love Lady Oscar. And Lady Oscar's floofy hair. And also I ship Marie Antoinette/Lady Oscar like burning. ...I kind've wish I'd been able to watch this when I was much younger, but on the other hand, in some ways this is exactly the thing that I needed to stumble across right now, so there we go. It's like the stars have aligned to deliver into my hands something that is precisely to my tastes.

☆ (And also I confess that part of what pushed me to watch Rose of Versailles is the fact that Lady Oscar looks very similar to the way I imagine Vesa, one of my OCs. So... basically this is the cherry on the self-indulgence cake. In a way.)

☆ Speaking of "Stuff that Yuu is watching", I'm probably going to end up watching Ice Fantasy soon. It's a Chinese fantasy drama, and I don't really know much about it aside from "It's sort of like what you'd get if Lord of the Rings was a lot colder and also everyone was ridiculously attractive" but like - I dunno, I came across some stills, and the costumes alone make me want to check it out. Wow. I guess all something needs in order to catch my interest is sparkles + pretty costumes + chilly setting. I am predictable.

This entry was originally posted at https://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3508011.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

chinese media, anime and manga, tv, yuletide, life

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