(no subject)

Oct 11, 2016 21:17

I planned to do so many things this evening, but I was so, so tired when I came home. Ugh...

And yet, it isn't as if I didn't do anything. So, I'm going to do that thing where I list all the things that I did, so that I can rub my own face in it and say "HAH, YOU WERE ACTUALLY PRODUCTIVE!"

-Wrote 300 words of Rose of Versailles fic (I am in pretty deep, yo) at 6AM ffff
-Went to work
-Read 120 pages of a novel on transport + after getting home
-Came home
-Did some knitting (while rewatching some Rose of Versailles ffff)
-Walked on the treadmill for 1/2 hour (while reading)

It isn't really that much, but it's at least Something. It's more than I get done on some days, at least.

But ughhh I just. I don't know. I was planning to type up fic this evening, but. [/rubs eyes] OH WELL. Going to be an early night tonight, I think.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been thinking about drawing. I've been thinking about drawing a lot. And I kind of - well, I want to draw my OCs. Both the fandom ones and not. But drawing always makes me feel so... stressed and anxious and high-strung. I guess it's because, I like the idea of drawing, but whenever I actually do it, it isn't very enjoyable, and nothing ever looks right.

Contrast that with writing, which is sometimes really hard, but even when it's really difficult, I have fun doing it, and most of the time I'm satisfied with the result.

Yeahhh, I don't know. Maybe I'll... just... pull out some crayons and slap down some ideas so that I can at least get used to the way it feels to be putting things on a page. No reason to feel stressed out about it if I'm not "actually drawing" - if I'm just fooling around, it doesn't matter, right? Ugh, I used to draw all the time when I was a kid, and I kind of wish I'd never stopped. But I stopped when it wasn't fun any more, so... there we are, I guess.

...Anyway. Enough of that. Shower, then bed. Urghhh, I'm sooo tiiired....

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3508392.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, drawing, life

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