
Oct 08, 2016 23:02

☆ Managed to figure out wtf to do for Trick or Treat exchange. Finished two drafts. And then worked on some unrelated stuff. Today was a good day for writing, and I'm happy with it. Struggling a little bit with an unrelated thing I'm working on, but that's all right.

☆ Ended up not cutting off as much hair as I'd originally planned... Maybe when summer comes, I'll do a more dramatic change, but for now I decided it's best to just take a couple inches off the bottom, and put up with the breakages elsewhere. It isn't that noticeable, anyway. But I do plan to get more intense about conditioning; at least, going to try out using coconut oil as a leave-in on the ends. We'll see what happens.

☆ Started watching Rose of Versailles. So far, I really like it! And I expect I'll continue to enjoy it. I'm able to access some of it through my library, so we'll see where I go with it when I'm finished what's available. Maybe I'll end up reading the manga, I don't know. I've actually been meaning to take a look at this series for ages; it was just a matter of getting around to it. Only, I think I got my wires crossed somewhere, because originally I was under the impression that Oscar is a trans man, which is partly where my interest came from. Turns out that this is actually a case of crossdressing for occupational reasons. Whoops. Oh well, I love her regardless.

☆ Qichi linked me to some awesome Kazakh folksy instrumental music with metallish vibes, and oh my gods, I can not stop listening to it. So good. Go listen to Ulytau, guys, their stuff's great. Try Adai, or Akjelen, or Korgol for starters. Aaand as I was writing this post I came across this live performance of Tocatta & Fugue and omg help, the main three musicians are all really hot.... Fffffu.

☆ Do you ever want to just go to bed for the rest of forever? Because that's what I'm feeling right now. ...Aaaand I just realized that I probably feel this way because it's almost midnight. Okay. TO BED, THEN.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3507758.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, rose of versailles, music, life

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