Three things make a post

Oct 07, 2016 23:32

☆ Thanksgiving is this Monday. It managed to sneak up on me, somehow. Fortunately, we already have most of the things that we need, but wow, I don't know how that happened. I hope that we'll just have a quiet one this year. Sometimes, my parents invite guests over, and it's usually people that none of us particularly like. They feel somehow obligated to do this, even though those people aren't even relatives. So, let's hope that doesn't happen. (I mean, it doesn't bother me to have people at the house, of course... provided I don't have to hear endless complaining about it after they leave, you know?)

☆ Haircut this weekend! Which wouldn't ordinarily be something worth mentioning, but this time, I'm actually going to get it cut, I think, rather than just the ends cleared up. My hair is long, and has been for years. For several months now, I've been kind of unhappy with it - it looks okay, or so everyone tells me, but I've got splits and broken ends all over the place. I haven't changed anything about the way I take care of it, or my diet, but it does seem to be breaking more easily than usual, so I'm wondering if it might be because of stress or something (due to - well, you know). Regardless, I'm going to get that all taken care of. Cut off several inches, get rid of all that messy stuff. Unfortunately, it looks better on me the longer it is, but... ah, well. It'll grow back. (...And now I'm researching all sorts of hair care stuff, and I should probably stop because it's past midnight already, and so much of it is woo or Too Much Effort, anyway. xD)

☆ Ffff just a Trick or Treat Exchange vent: I'm still nowhere near done my assignment, and ordinarily, I would have a finished draft by now. Even after canon review, I'm still a mess. A large part of the problem is that I have too many ideas, and the best ones require a ton of plot, and more writing time than I actually have! My recipient seems really nice, and all of their ideas are really cool, and I want to write them something awesome. But this just ain't working out in an ideal way, so far. [/shakesfist] ...I think what I'll do is, I'll just try to do something bite-sized (they have some suggestions for a previous exchange that'll work for this) and then I'll try to finish the other fics that I already tried writing for them. One is, er, already six handwritten pages, but the other is much shorter, so it's possible I can finish it. We'll see.

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trickortreatex, life

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