(no subject)

Sep 19, 2016 21:09

Decided to try out my newest deck tonight, the Russian Tarot of Saint Petersburg*. I took some photos of it, because man is it ever gorgeous, but - posting those can wait until later.

This one gave me some trouble with the shuffling; it was never used before it came to me, so the cards are still kind of clingy. That's all right. I'll break them in eventually.

I decided to do a three-card spread, one that I grabbed from my PacRim book: Daily card, personal situations, and how to approach it.
Five of Clubs, Death, and Five of Swords. All upright.

... Uh. Well, that's... something.

The Russian Tarot mainly maps onto the Rider Waite deck. It isn't a perfect 1:1 match, but these things never are. So, I have a few options for interpretation here, but none of it is good, exactly.

Five of Clubs (Wands) - Conflict and tension
Death - Change; in the Russian tarot it seems a more appropriate term might be "forceful upheaval"
Five of Swords - Conflict, tension, betrayal, etc

I'm at a loss as to how to read this. I mean, beyond the obvious. Unfortunately I was going for a general reading here, rather than anything specific, and that makes it more challenging. Kind of stupid of me - considering it's a new deck, I should have started smaller. Regardless, the result I want is to be the asshole standing triumphant in the Swords card, rather than any of the defeated. Obviously.

There are a few things I can think of that might relate to this (things have been not-so-great at work, needless to say) but considering I only set out with a general reading in mind, it's really hard to say. ...I think what I might need to do is, well, keep doing readings, and see where that goes. Not tonight, of course - later. And just one-cards. Those are so much easier.

It'll help me get more familiar with this deck, at least.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3503296.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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