
Sep 20, 2016 20:38

☆ I'm really, really, really happy with my assignment for
trickortreatex. In fact, I've already started on the story. If I'm lucky, I'll end up writing my recip two stories. ...Either way, I'm going to do my best to write them something really cool. I wasn't expecting to match to this person at all, but it's pretty exciting to be writing for someone completely new. Hopefully they'll like what I'm putting together. ...I've also started working on a treat. :D There are so many people I can treat in this exchange! Don't know how many I'll manage, but I'm going to try.

☆ Things are going to get kind of busy soon - I've got a lot of projects on the go - aaand that means I'm faced with coming up with creative ways to handle it all. Wonderful. We'll see what happens. ;V As long as I don't bite off more than I can chew, it'll be fine. Some fandom places have been kind of annoying me lately, so it'll do good to spend time doing other things. And it might help with some real-life stuff, hard to say. Even though it's been months since the fire, I'm still not quite up to my usual routine, in a lot of ways. Maybe a fixed number of small, time-definted commitments will help me feel more, hmm, mentally organized. I hope so.

☆ The nightly PokeGo walks have been kind of an experiment. I've been trying to keep to dark-safe areas (in other words, not crossing any major roads). What I've found is - it's excellent for egg hatching and buddywalking; I can typically hatch one 5km egg in one night, as usual. Downside is, it's absolutely crap for catching anything. Like I've mentioned before - this is kind of a dead area. I think one of these nights I'm going to expand a little, heading slightly south - there's an area that I haven't explored yet, and it might have something interesting (or at least a pokestop). Small chance, but you never know. Yesterday, I did discover that there is a gym that I didn't previously know about - on the other side of the highway. So, not dark-safe at all, but good to know. ...Anyway. By the weekend, I'm going to need to fill up on eggs again; I have two in the incubators, and then just one 5km left. It's nice to get them all out of my inventory, but I expect I'll find it hard to get motivated to go out when there isn't anything to hatch.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3503573.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

trickortreatex, pokemon go, life

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