Stuff and Nonsense

Sep 18, 2016 21:54

☆ My feet still hurt from my terrible footwear decisions a few days ago. Pity me. Or maybe not, because it was my own fault, but. You know. :V

☆ Getting kind of antsy about Trick or Treat. I want my assignment already, fuuuu. I mean, I know that I'll get it tomorrow, or Tuesday at the latest, but - anticipation! There are so many things that I could write, and I feel kind of directionless. (Just watch, I'll get assigned to someone that I don't even know, and it'll be an adventure. :D )

☆ Jureeya finished the SSSS fanart I commissioned her to do, and wow, does it ever look amazing. ...I hadn't expected something like this to be what I'd finally get her to draw, considering that I like Aksel a lot, but I probably wouldn't name him as one of my favourites. But the fic it's based on, the one Kiraly wrote for me for Rarepair Fest, is Just That Good. So there we are. :D (Plus, well. Ju's always A+ when it comes to people covered in blood, I must say. This is like, the hottest thing I've seen all month.)

☆ I've thrown together a long poem with two of my SSSS OCs, and wow, is it ever - I have no idea how I'll manage to beat this thing into shape. It's going to take so much editing. Arrrrgh! Looks like I'll have to sit on it for a while. It's a similar thing to "White-Water Singer", except that rather than Niko and his family, this one involves Vesa and his mentor, Tarja. They're both kind of a hot mess, but in different ways. And this poem is also a hot mess. And it's very - well, I'm thinking of slapping Choose Not To Warn on it, just because I can't be assed to warn for all the stuff going on in this thing. [/rolls] Going to have to think about it, hm.

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oc nonsense, trickortreatex, writing, friends, life, stand still stay silent

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