
Sep 16, 2016 23:02

☆ I walked wayyyy too much in my new high-heeled boots today, and I sure am paying the price. Owwwww, I have blisters in places where I didn't know I could even get blisters! You'd think I'd have remembered this lesson from back in university. APPARENTLY NOT. (They are super stylish, but was it worth it? ...Good question.)

☆ Watched the 1931 version of Dracula today and, like, for some reason I find Bela Lugosi as the Count to be very, very attractive. I dunno. Maybe it's the cheesy accent. Or the fancy evening clothes. THAT SWOOSHY CAPE. Also, the bats in this movie are so silly-looking (because, well, 1931 special effects), but somehow that makes them also really adorable. HE CAN TURN INTO A HUGE, FLAPPY, SQUEAKY BAT. HOW CUTE IS THAT. ...And somehow I ended up shipping Drac with Renfield. Though maybe just pre-crazypants Renfield. Now that I think of it, it's been ages since I've read the novel; maybe I'm due for a re-read. The first time around, I don't think I appreciated it quite as much as I could have (I was expecting something a little bit different from what it actually is).

☆ I thought I was blocked on this thing I'm writing for FemslashEx, buuuuut it turns out that all I had to do was get both parts of the pairing in the same room, and VOILA. IT'S GOING GREAT. (Go figure.) I'm probably going to need to rewrite a lot of the beginning, though. Eugh. I hate rewriting things. And finishing things. And starting things. What even is writing, anyway. (Speaking of which, I am SUPER EXCITED to receive my assignment for Trick or Treat. I mean, sure, I could probably just start on treats right away, but ehhhh who knows....)

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writing, life, movies

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