La la la meme

Sep 15, 2016 20:51

On tumblr, I stumbled across an ask meme* for "experienced users" AKA people 30+. xD WELL, I'M 30 NOW, SO... but since I don't actually like ask meme format (it feels so weird to say "hey, send me these pre-written questions") I'll just fill it out here, oldschool-style, instead of doing the tumblr thing.

1. How many jobs have you had, and which was your favorite?
Hard to remember how many, but over ten. Favourite was probably the summer I spent working in the garden centre at Superstore; it was nice to work outside, I enjoyed working with the plants, and it was something that I was actually good at - I had 0 job-training (places like that barely train their staff at all, at least in this town), but because I'd learned some basic plant care at home, that went a long way toward making it actually enjoyable. Though, another "favourite", with caveats, was the time I spent as a TA for intro English. Part of this included teaching a portion of the class (20 students, 1 day per week), and that was very... challenging, and while a lot of things were really stressful due to some other things I was going through, it was a very interesting and valuable experience.

2. When did you first connect to other people via computers?
Summer of 1998 is when we got our first internet-capable computer. :D I fell headfirst into Animorphs and Star Fox64 fandom, and the rest is history.

3. Were/are you on AOL? Compuserve? LJ? Dreamwidth? A Listserv? Other?
I wasn't on AOL as a provider, but I did have AIM. I still post obsessively to Dreamwidth (obviously) and crosspost to LJ. ...I swear, if DW ever closes or becomes unusable, I'm going to flip my shit, unless LJ suddenly becomes workable again; one of the reasons that I switched is because the entry input screen no longer worked properly for me. I dunno what I'd do. Move to Wordpress?! Who knows.

4. If you went to college, does your major match your career/current job?
My major had zilch to do with my current job. I majored in English, specializing in medieval literature (mostly Arthurian stuff). Now I do... data entry. But that's fine - one thing that university helped me realize is that academia is not for me; the last thing I want to do with the rest of my life is write essays/publications/papers/etc. (I enjoy reading/researching/learning new things, but writing... No.)

5. Have you had a mammogram? Colonoscopy?
No? Hopefully there will not be any call for that any time soon. o_O

6. When did you get your first cell phone? What was it like? (Did it have a screen? Could you text? Was it a brick or flip?)
I was in university - I can't remember which year, though; maybe it was my second year of undergrad. Technically, it was the extra phone for our house, and it was only to be used for emergencies. It was a brick, with no screen, though I think it might have had text ability (not that I had a plan that included that, of course.)

7. When did your family first acquire a color TV?
...I'm not that old. xD We've always had colour television.

8. When did your family acquire a second TV?
Can't remember. We had one since at least 1990, though - I remember using it to play on my Sega Genesis. :D Later on, I remember being so glad that it was in the basement, because that way I could watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer without getting caught (I wasn't allowed to watch it) - that is, until it was moved to a later time slot and I wasn't able to catch it any more.

9. Did you ever own “designer jeans”?
Not until I was very much An Adult. The only brand I can find these days that actually fits is DKNY. Apparently my body has expensive tastes. I am not impressed. (I mean, sure they're nice, but arrrgh...)

10. Have you ever been to a disco?
Lolno. I am not the Disco Type. Come to my place, we'll have our own private disco, AKA listening to my playlist on shuffle in the basement while we play video games and eat pizza. Almost But Not Entirely Unlike A Disco.

11. How many places (towns, states, countries) have you lived in?
Three, if you count places I've lived for university. Fort McMurray, Alberta; Wolfville, Nova Scotia, for undergrad; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for my masters. And then back to Fort Mac.

12. Have any of you contemporary friends died? (I.e., people more or less you age.)
No, thank gods. And hopefully this will not happen for a very long time.

13. Are you parents still living?
Yes. And hopefully will continue to for a very long time. Unfortunately, I've lost all of my grand-relations.

14. Do you have any gray hairs?
Not yet. Though my hair is on the light side already, so I'm not sure if I would notice if I had any. I guess it's one of those "you know it when you see it" things.

15. Did you or your family own a Betamax?
Yes indeed! Though I didn't have many tapes for it, myself. Just a few Peanuts videos. When Beta was still relevant I rented stuff all the time, though.

16. How did you spend New Year’s Eve 1999/2000?
I don't remember. Couldn't have been too interesting. I can't even remember if I was allowed to stay up until midnight at the time; I was 13. We probably just watched movies until 10PM or something.

17. What’s the oldest article of clothing you still wear?
I have some hoodies from ~2006 or so that still fit. That's mostly it, though; I tend to be rough on my clothing. I do have some rad vintage clothes that are older than I am, but since I don't dress nicely very often any more, they're all in storage.

18. Do you eat your vegetables?
EVERY DAY as long as it isn't tomatoes. Or cauliflower. Cauliflower can GTFO.

19. Are the privileges of adulthood worth the responsibilities?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no. I live with my parents for various reasons, so things aren't... quite the way that I would like. But it's better than it used to be. I will say, though... when I was a kid, I never realized that it would be so hard to get up in the morning.

20. Do you feel like an adult?
Only when I do something Important And Responsible. Like filing my taxes. Or making important phone calls that I reaaally would rather not have to make. But usually I just feel like a... person? Who isn't as responsible as he should be, and who neglects things that he should be doing far too frequently.

21. Is youth wasted on the young?
Who knows. But I would like to have back the amount of energy I had when I was 13. That would be nice.

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