Rarepair Fest + other stuff

Aug 28, 2016 20:55

☆ I received two awesome Aksel/SigrunL fics for Rarepair Fest: Life At The End Of The World (13+, 4k) and Mountain Storm (0+, 2k). Definitely worth a look if you like that pairing. :D Actually, there was a really good turnout for SSSS/aRTD in this exchange overall. Numbers at time of this posting are: 3 fics in Stand Still Stay Silent, 1 fic for A Redtail's Dream, and 4 extra treats for Stand Still Stay Silent. I haven't had a chance to read anything other than my own gifts yet, but I'm sure they're all awesome.

☆ You know what, I used to be So Against instant coffee, like it was the embodiment of the devil or something. But occasionally, there are just Some Days when I am completely out of fucks, and out of energy, and motivating myself to do anything is hard, and I just want one cup of coffee instead of the whole damn pot. Let me tell you, instant coffee has its place. I have seen the light. (Still wouldn't drink it on the regular, though.)

☆ I'm having One Of Those Days today, the kind where I feel very unmotivated, and blah, and just... having trouble existing as a corporeal being in the universe. And my brain is telling me off because it's an asshole, and it's saying that I didn't get anything done today. But I did, and I'm going to write it down to prove it wrong.

Stuff I did today:
-Went downtown and walked to that indie computer place so that I can get my cracked mp3 player screen repaired, only to discover that they're closed on Sundays (nnoooooo). And then walked All The Way Back to the city hall bus stop. (Total: 3km. I AM NOT LAZY)
-Picked up some cake for the work potluck tomorrow (sigh)
-Unpacked my suitcase
-Put most of my stuff away
-Did three loads of laundry (washing, drying, AND folding)
-Unloaded and re-loaded the dishwasher
-Prepared my brother's supper for tomorrow
-Fed the dogs
-Paid some bills (I AM AN ADULT)
-Read and commented on my exchange fics

I also did a lot of dicking around but that's okay because I DID STUFF, OKAY. YES.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3498405.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

a redtail's dream, life, rarepair fest, stand still stay silent, recs

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