Noot noot

Aug 27, 2016 23:00

Tooooo lazy/tired/etc to make a proper entry right now, and so -

☆ I Am Alive. And also back in Fort Mac.

☆ Visiting with Aki was cool, and I had a great time. More deets later.

☆ My suitcase was hella heavy and juuuuust under the maximum limit. Hauling that thing around was Interesting, let me tell you.

☆ Dad needs to take back his extra phone for a week because of Reasons, which means no Pokemon Go for me. Nooooo, how will I be able to motivate myself to go for nightly walks now... (Maybe I'll try geocaching using paper directions. It doesn't work... very well... but some caches are more obvious than others, so...)

☆ I have a new tarot deck thanks to
yohjideranged and man, is it ever gorgeous. Moar deets later. Seriously, I can't get over how pretty it is.

☆ Oh man, am I ever tired.

☆ Why did I buy tea in Victoria, I have way too much tea, I don't know how I'll ever manage to drink all of it. (Teeeeeaaaaa)

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