Nice Little Things

Aug 29, 2016 19:57

☆ Received a great comment from my Rarepair Fest recipient. I'm glad they liked it. That's a weight off my mind.

☆ Supper included beans from our garden. Man, it's so nice to eat food that actually tastes like FOOD. The vegetables we get up here at the supermarket are just... well... no.

☆ Somebody requested to translate one of my fics into Chinese! It was that A Link Between Worlds fic I wrote a couple years ago, the one with Link and Ravio (this one). I always get really excited when somebody asks to do translations. It's just so nice.

☆ I found a dog running around the neighbourhood, and returned it to its owner. It was a really adorable dog too; a pomeranian or something like that. Much floof, such cute, wow. I hope that kid will remember not to let it outside without a leash - there are some really busy streets here, and it isn't safe for pets to run around loose. ...It was such a cute dog, though.

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