
Jul 28, 2016 21:24

Wasn't able to go out pokewalking today, because it looked like it was going to thunderstorm. Bummer. But, it's not so bad. I stayed inside and... stretched myself out a little. Light and easy stuff, upper-body focused mainly, and then some yoga on the side. And I really needed it.

In some ways, I haven't been taking very good care of myself, or at least not as much as I should. The fire kind of threw my entire routine off. And after two and a half months... well. It is what it is. I feel like I have to start from the bottom, ahaha.

Needless to say: When you're as much of a pedestrian as I am, every day is leg day. ;p 5K WALK? NO PROBLEM. But anything else is a liiiittle bit tricky. Especially when you factor in... you know, all the mental illness bullshit, and the hours I work, and blah blah blah, ugh. But, anyway. I'm going to try. Again. Little bit at a time.


Anyway, I feel pretty good, and I'm glad for that, because lately I've just been - hoooboy. Kind of a mess, brain-wise. Hopefully tomorrow will be nice and sunny, though. And hopefully the more I take care of this stuff, the more social I'll be feeling, because right now I just... I dunno. Talking tp people is hard. I don't have a lot of energy, somehow. It's so annoying.

But, we'll see. Maybe tomorrow will be great. <3

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3493260.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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