Jul 27, 2016 19:36

☆ My heart says "GO OUTSIDE!!!" but my body says "Could you, like, not?" and my brain says "It's hella hot out and you should probably give your feet a rest, you ass". I should probably listen to my brain. For once.

☆ Christ on a cracker, PokeGo leader designs have only been unveiled for a few days, aaaand there's gender wank. LOVELY.

My thoughts on the matter can be summed up as follows:
  • Fuck that.
  • Let's not.
  • I fucking love Blanche.
☆ Tumblr's adding on-blog advertising of some kind. It's opt-out. I'm sure most of you have seen the posts on how to turn it off, but in case you haven't: go to settings, select blog (right-hand side), scroll to "Advertising", turn off. Repeat for every sub-blog that you have. If you don't opt out, it'll be on your blog once this plan (whatever it is) rolls out. To be honest, I'm a little surprised there wasn't on-blog advertising from the beginning. Anyway, the way they're going about this isn't exactly professional, but that's Tumblr for you.

☆ You know what... I am capable of cooking. But if you tell me "Oh, by the way, while we're away you're going to need to cook for yourself AND your brother AND with enough leftovers that he'll have something Very Substantial for his 12-hour shift lunch, what do you need me to pick up at the grocery store?" My reaction is going to be Uhhhhh... and I'm going to need more than five seconds to think of something. Because seriously, cooking for one person is so much different from that. When left to my own devices, what do I usually make for supper? EGG SANDWICHES. WITH SALAD. MAYBE ALSO WITH CHEESE IF I FEEL FANCY. I could live off egg sandwiches, you guys. But that's not... exactly... well, y'know. Plus, like, for stuff that is Not Eggs, I am capable of making something edible. But when it comes to making something that somebody else will be eating, I kind of - well, I get embarrassed, because I'm not very good at it, because I don't get many opportunities to practice, and... you know. This cooking angst brought to you by the fact that I see large amounts of stir fry in my near future.

☆ I was looking through my WIP folder and discovered that at some point, I started working on a ficlet that centred around sexy potato peeling. I don't know what to do with this.

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writing, food, pokemon go, tumblr, life

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