Buckets of Nonsense

Jul 30, 2016 14:43

☆ Lucky little things: Managed to get home five minutes before it started PISSING DOWN RAIN. So glad for it. I don't mind a bit of drizzle, but I would have been utterly soaked. :V

☆ You know it's a good day when you find out that the supermarket has a special on blueberries. I managed to get a HUGE PACKAGE for a reasonable price and it is amazing. SO MANY BLUEBERRIES. WOW. ;V

☆ Library haul: A few Wodehouse novels (can't remember which ones, and too lazy to check, fff). I've heard good things, but haven't read any before, so this should be interesting. Had plans to return Yamoria today, but I think I'll hold on to it for a while - there's just so much interesting stuff in that book, and I want to see about taking some detailed notes on it. Also picked up Grand Budapest Hotel - I rarely go poking through the films section, but I'm starting to think I should look through it more often. Guess what I'll be watching tonight? ;V I remember that I wanted to see that one when it was in cinema, but didn't get the chance. The only other Wes Anderson film I've seen was The Darjeeling Limited, but I loved that, so... well, we'll see.

☆ PokeGo: I caught a 549CP Pidgeot while I was mucking around at the library. I'M SO GLAD. Also, holy shit, are there ever a ton of pokestops downtown. More than I realized last time I was down there (when trying to play off wifi... heh). As it turns out (I discovered, after some research), a few years back, there were some pretty active Ingress players around here, which explains things. THANK YOU, MYSTERIOUS INGRESS FOLKS, FOR MAKING MY POKEMON LIFE EASIER. Also: downtown is currently all held by Valor (boo). And then... on the map, in the distance, I could see one gym held by Mystic. WHOOO. ...It's in an area that, as far as I know, is still kind of restricted due to fire damage. xD Easier to hold it in such a case, I would imagine.

☆ The rain stopped while I was writing this. HOORAY. Hopefully the sun will hold well into the evening - I hope to go for a walk after supper. Maybe I'll take one of the dogs? The pointer, he never hardly ever gets to go out for walks, because my mom can't take him, and this is partly why he's crazypants. (Though the impression that I get is that it's also just typical for GSPs to be a little bit loopy.)

☆ Rarepair Exchange: I was flipflopping around with this one fic, but I think I know what I'm doing with it. Finally. This is going to make things so much easier. And it's already halfway drafted, which is great. ...I'm starting to feel a bit of exchange burnout, to be honest, so I think that this is the last one I'll do this year, aside from Yuletide (and actually, I'm not that sure about Yuletide). Might treat for Trick-or-Treat Exchange if something in the letters looks good, but that's it. It's just, I have so many drafts for non-exchange things that need attention, so it's probably best if I took some time to look at those and finish all of them. (Just watch, instead of doing that, I'll start something else....)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3493395.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, reading, pokemon go, life, rarepair fest, movies

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