
Jul 18, 2016 22:00

☆ On the work bus home from work, I managed to get the wifi long enough to fiddle around with Pokemon Go. Verdict: There isn't anything in my immediate neighbourhood, but there's some stuff in the next neighbourhood, within walking distance (for a certain definition of walking distance; ~40 min in 1 direction, which isn't too bad). Several Pokestops, and at least 1 Gym. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, none of the Pokestops are near buildings with wifi (unless there's some crazy person out there who doesn't have their house wireless protected), and only one of them is reachable while on the bus - and unfortunately this wasn't my typical route. I have no idea where the Gym actually is; I've heard there is a community centre somewhere around that area, though I have no bloody clue where. Perhaps I should do some exploring. Yes, yes, I know I can just check it out on the Ingress map, but - mucking around is part of the fun, I think. Actually, Ingress sounds like it'd be great to play as well, but - once again, the wireless internet issue. Oh well! The most important thing is that I caught a Horsea, and I'm delighted with it. ;) Now if only I could catch that Jynx that's been lurking somewhere in the backyard....

☆ I finished reading Janet Kellough's The Burying Ground. Not going into too much detail right now, but suffice to say - it isn't the most amazing novel in the world, but some of the unexpected things that I found in it were just what I needed right now. Especially since I've been having so many crappy closet-related feelings of late. But I'll go into that more when I do my Wednesday reading writeup.

☆ Been plotting a little with regards to some of the SSSS stories that I want to write involving OCs and... ahaha, it's running away from me, a little. It's all pretty centred around Niko, of course, but there are other characters associated with him, and of course all of them have their own stories to tell, and I want to write those stories too (especially Vesa, who I've become very attached to even if his story is a departure from what I'd usually write). I've had to put together a chart just so that I'd force myself to give everybody first names, descriptions, and occupations, at the very least. Pff, it's a little bit funny how something that was originally just supposed to be a short story about Lalli entering a relationship with some weird guy from another village has run away from me like this. But, we'll see if anything comes with it. I probably won't be crossposting those stories anywhere, except for maybe linking them on twitter I guess, because they're such a silly self-indulgent thing.

☆ Handed in my time-off request. Now, to start counting down the days until Victoria. 8)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3490940.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, gaming, reading, pokemon go

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