Yuuago + Pokemon Go = Yuuapogo

Jul 17, 2016 18:02

Pokemon GO rolled out in Canada! Whoo! And it's playable on my ipod touch! Excellent!

...Well, okay. For a certain definition of "playable". Like, itouch doesn't have gps, and I'm obviously confined by wireless. Which means I'm... stuck playing it in my house for the moment. There aren't really any places nearby that have wifi. So, that's kind of a bummer, because I can't play it as intended - I really would have liked to be able to wander around the neighbourhood like everyone else.

Buuuut that's okay, because I already managed to catch some pokemon. :D And I guess if I really feel like tramping around in the bushes, there's a geocache somewhere in the neighbourhood....

Hopefully there will be a pokestop at a really obvious wifi location, like the library or city hall. Buuut I'm going to have to wait until my day off before I can see about that, I guess. [/shakesfist] Ah well. Not the end of the world. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3490637.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

gaming, pokemon go

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