
Jul 16, 2016 17:58

WELL. Today was... busy! But nice.

Ran downtown to get my passport photos taken, since I need to send in for a renewal in August. The place that does them is kind of out of the way, so that took up more time than I would've liked. But, it wasn't too bad. At least it's done. :D

While the photos were developing, I poked around online and discovered that there is a geocache in a park near the photo joint. Soooo, for about an hour, I tramped around, peeking into evergreen trees like a weirdo. :D It was good fun, though I didn't find the cache - I unfortunately don't have a GPS-enabled device, and that makes everything a lot harder. Especially when the hint is that it's in an evergreen tree... and the park is full of evergreen trees... xD And it doesn't help that I wasn't dressed for this kind of thing at all. I'll probably try again with this one, but next time, I'm going to wear proper clothing. And bug spray.

Mayyybe I'll buy a handheld GPS eventually, if I decide to stick with this. Hell, it could come in handy when travelling, too! But for now, I think I'll just make do with what I have available to me. No need to go slapping down cash when I'm new to the hobby, after all.

Anyway! I've booked all my stuff for Victoria. So, I'll be going there in late August. Fun! It'll be nice to head down there again; the weather is always so nice. Not to mention... so many bookshops. I'll also be meeting up with Aki from SSSS/Hetalia fandom, and I'm sure that will turn out great. Though we'll be in the same city, we won't be rooming together; I think it'll be nice to hang out with somebody without being glued to them. We haven't decided exactly what we're going to do together, but there's so much cool stuff in Victoria, I'm sure we'll have no problem figuring something out.

Finally managed to get to the library. <3 It feels SO GOOD to be able to go there. I'm so glad that it's open again. And of course, I picked up a few things. Had to grab some things for research... I have some vague ideas for a fic that takes place in the SSSS universe, but rather than being set in the Nordic countries, this will take place in northern Alberta, specifically in Fort Chipewyan. I'm really excited about this idea, but it's going to require a lot of research. Honestly, I'm not quite sure where to start, haa. But anyway, I picked up a couple of books about the Dene people; one is a history, and the other is centred around folklore/oral stories/personal histories. Hopefully I'll at least get an idea of where to go with the worldbuilding from here. Aaand if not... the library has plenty more. :D

Aaaand I also picked up my new Kobo today. orz Really wish I hadn't dropped my old one the way I did... I hate touch-screens, and transferring everything is going to be a pain, blah blah blah bah humbug. Though, I'll confess that I've wanted a new one for a while, because the old one was kind of a pain in the ass in some ways (nonstandard cord made charging inconvenient) but fffffu. Going to have to make double-sure that I don't drop this one, geeze.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3490468.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

travel, geocaching, reading, life

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